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Assassins Creed III Mediocre Reviews


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Been with the series so long that it pretty much falls in with Zelda, Elder Scrolls, and Half Life with me."Doesn't matter. I'm getting it"Any insight as to why it received its small amount of ridicule?

All of the reviews say something about it being inconsistent, which could really mean anything.I just saw some commercial with all of the revolutionary war stuff in a montage with the song "Coming Home" by Diddy playing over it... Made no sense.
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That surprises me, I'm only about halfway through but from what I've played of it, its awesome, and I have no idea what that inconsistency remark is about. The only thing I can think of is that its inconsistent to the previous games, in that the gameplay is very different but it kind of has to be and it was made obvious way before it came out that it was going to be different.

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