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Elder Souls iPhone/iPod/iPad App


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If you're looking for an app for this website, the developer of the software we use - IPS - has made their application free for the short term. It was previously $1.99 and had quite a bit of negative feedback at that price, so here we are. Something those of you with iOS might want to try. I've never used it so you can report back here with how it works. :smile:

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Does it ask for an address? Make sure the URL is right, might have to play with the ending "/" a little bit. Also, our forums are at eldersouls.com/index, not eldersouls.com

Oh... Well I'm in now.Edit: That didn't work very well, I can just see a white screen and some options, but when I try to do something, it can't open the webpage...New Edit: Now it works, it was just a bit confusing to start with...
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Sorry to double post but I just thought people might be interested in how I've found the app and this probably wouldn't be seen otherwiseOne of the main problems I've noticed is that it will often show the wrong avatar (eg the avatar next to a post made by traag will appear as squishys avatar), which makes reading topics sometimes quite confusing and difficult to follow.As mentioned before There are some weird problems when adding a community, for example when I tried to add elder souls it kept telling me the URL was wrong, and I couldn't close the add a community tab. Eventually I managed to close it and I'd given up on it only to see that it had added the site every time it told me it failed to. So I ended up with elders souls about 15 times on my list of communities.Typing is pretty good, particularly for a mobile device although some options such as bullet points and headings are unavailable.However the only thing it does that you can't just do using the Internet on your phone is that it sends you push notifications. So it's handy but if you did have to pay for it, it's not worth it.

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What I've realized so far after using it for 2mins,

[*]you can't see what topic someone has posted in recently, you can just see that someone posted on the Sub-Forum

[*]It updates on the main interface, but when you click on the sub-forum it doesn't show the updates on where people posted

[*]The app is really bland to look at, it doesn't take the on the colour of the actual forum

[*]The reply interface froze or was reluctant to scroll down or up

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