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The Best Bad Movies / Cult Classics


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Figured the other thread would turn into this so we'll have this discussion here.The Boondock Saints 1 and 2HeathersThe Lost Boys - Actually probably not a cult classic but damn the girl in it is hot. It's weird that she's older than my mom now.Silver Bullet - Young kid in a wheelchair gets a high-powered motorized scooter and fights vampires. That's really all you need to know right there. Fucking hilarious.

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Bad movies

[*]A Day Without A Mexican- All Hispanic people in California suddenly disappear when a pink fog surrounds the citty.

[*]Thankskilling- The only Thanksgiving themed horror movie I know

[*]Any Lifetime movie

And as far as cult classics.

[*]The Kill Bill series- I didn't think any of them were really that good.

[*]300- Definitely a classic of our generation. Pretty much everybody said it was okay, but a lot of people watched it.

[*]Pulp Fiction- Maybe could of been a "best movie ever". Still a classic you must watch.

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I really liked 300 actually... And Pulp Fiction of course. I kinda liked the Star Wars prequals aswell, and I really like Darth Maul. Episode 1 was pretty stupid though, but I watched as a kid and loved it... The Monty Python movies, mosly Life of Brian and Holy Grail, not Meaning of Life so much. Kinda unrelated, but I remember a really scary Winnie the Pooh movie. It freaked the hell out of me.

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Haven't seen most of the movies mentioned. I guess that's what makes them cult classics, though.

    [*]300- Definitely a classic of our generation. Pretty much everybody said it was okay, but a lot of people watched it.

    [*]Pulp Fiction- Maybe could of been a "best movie ever". Still a classic you must watch.

300 is way too popular/mainstream to be a cult classic. It was okay, but waaay overhyped imo.

Napolean Dynamite and Edward Scissorhands has joined the game!

Napoleon Dynamite, yeah, wasn't a big fan. Only funny part was when the farmer shoots the cow in front of the school bus. Edward Scissorhands I watched, turned off the TV, and just sat there wondering what to think about it. It was a good movie, but holy damn was it weird. Even for Tim Burton.
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