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ES Member of the Month - Vote Now!


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Well, we've decided to merge TRR's MotM competition into the whole of ES. For those unfamiliar, you just send me a PM with your vote for who should be our Member of the Month. Winners will recieve a place on our list of all-time MotM's as well as a free month of Premium Membership.

Let the voting begin! Please send me a PM with the name of the member you're voting for in the title. Example - "MotM: Traaginen" (but don't vote for me as I'm ineligible; see below.


    [*]You may not vote for yourself.

    [*]Each member is eligible to win once per year. After having won, they're not eligible until the voting starts over the next year in January.

Here are the previous months winners (who are currently ineligible).

    [*]Traaginen - January MOTM

    [*]Huygens - February MOTM

    [*]Jamie – March MOTM

    [*]Anarchy - April MOTM

    [*]Tcee - May MOTM

    [*]TRR Daniel - June MOTM

    [*]Deathirst - July MOTM

    [*]Labush - August MOTM

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I'd hate to sound arrogant, but I think I deserve the MotM. I've been the most active in the Content Team, being the only one to actually keep up with weekly articles. I participate in discussions, and to top it all off, I was the one who suggested an Elder Souls MotM in the first place. So, I think I would be a good first Elder Souls MotM.Oh my gosh, I just sounded really arrogant...

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I'd hate to sound arrogant, but I think I deserve the MotM. I've been the most active in the Content Team, being the only one to actually keep up with weekly articles. I participate in discussions, and to top it all off, I was the one who suggested an Elder Souls MotM in the first place. So, I think I would be a good first Elder Souls MotM.Oh my gosh, I just sounded really arrogant...

I will vote for you on that note, but my reason for absence is because of school. I also have more personal home issues and other things. Also everyone can have a little bit of arrogence ince and a while, haha. I place my Vote for Squishyman
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I will vote for you on that note, but my reason for absence is because of school. I also have more personal home issues and other things. Also everyone can have a little bit of arrogence ince and a while, haha.I place my Vote for Squishyman

Sorry buddy, but the poll ended about a week ago. I already won. I appreciate your support, though.
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