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IRC Guide

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IRC Guide

I. Choosing an IRC Client



Now, the most popular way to combine IRC and Runescape is through SwiftKit. SK is an extremely handy Runescape tool that is completely legal. It allows you to access a variety of options at your finger tips while playing RS.

About SwiftKit | Download SwiftKit

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Entering #Rebelz In Swiftkit

1. Double click the program.

2. Click 'Launch' to begin.

3. Enter information for your SK profile (just used for settings if you use a shared computer).

4. You willl be brought to a window with news on SK and Runescape. Obviously you can start Runescape by clicking 'Play Runescape'. To enter the IRC, click 'Show Internal Utilities'.

5. Click on the yellow pac-man-like smiley face.

6. Enter your channel (#Rebelz) and Nickname information.

7. Click 'Connect'


A smaller version of SK is supposed to be released as an add-on for Firefox rather shortly. With this update, Mac users will be able to use SK, although it's unclear whether an IRC client will be included.


Browser Based Java Clients


Of course, the most common complaint about using SK for IRC is that it's not compatible or lags your computer. For those people, THIS LINK is a lifesaver. If you can play Runescape, your computer is compatible with this IRC client as it uses Java. This method would be good for Mac users.

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On our forums, you may enter a browser based IRC Client by clicking 'Enter Chat' on the left side of the header.

Entering #Rebelz Through Browser - Click Here!

1. Click the link.

2. Enter Nickname.

3. Enter your desired channel; our channel is #Rebelz

3. Hit 'Enter Chat'


Installed Clients


These IRC clients will be installed on your computer in some way, either as a separate program or as part of an existing program.

FireFox Add-On

If you use Firefox, there is an IRC add-on HERE that can be downloaded and installed. Unlike SK, or the other Browser based client, this IRC client will be installed directly into your browser. This is another good option for Mac users.



mIRC is a client that will be downloaded directly to your computer as a program. Think of it as SK without anything except the IRC client. Although it may occasionally (or in my case, FREQUENTLY) ask you to pay or donate for its use, the program is free and you don't have to. To download mIRC, click here.


II. Server Options and Settings

General Settings

Display of SK Settings

Shown below is a table of Server settings on SwiftKit. These settings should be the same for other IRC clients, too.

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Adjusting Settings in SwiftKit

Creating Server Settings - Advanced users, or those who want to quickly join multiple channels when connecting.

1. Double click the program.

2. Click 'Launch' to begin.

3. Enter information for your SK profile (just used for settings if you use a shared computer).

4. To enter the IRC area, click 'Show Internal Utilities'.

5. Click on the yellow pac-man-like smiley face.

6. Click 'Options' on the far left.

7. Select 'Add' under the Connections tab.

8. Input the settings shown in the picture above. (Other channels may be added to "Auto-Join Channels" for quick entry upon connection.)

Quick Connect - New users, or those who only want to join #Rebelz upon entry.

1. Double click the program.

2. Click 'Launch' to begin.

3. Enter information for your SK profile (just used for settings if you use a shared computer).

4. To enter the IRC area, click 'Show Internal Utilities'.

5. Click on the yellow pac-man-like smiley face.

6. Input you Nickname and Channel, and then hit 'Connect'.

III. Nicknames

Registering your Nickname


To register your nickname, type "/msg NickServ register password password email email". Substitute password for the password that you want to use for your nickname, and email for a real working E-Mail address.

Currently, to complete registrations on SwiftIRC, you must validate your E-Mail address. After executing the register command, a validation code will be emailed to you. Follow the instructions given in the E-Mail. If you have not received a validation E-Mail within a half hour of starting registration, please ensure that your E-Mail address actually works, and that the validation email was not moved to your junk/bulk/spam folder.


Controlling your Nickname

Logging In

To identify/login to your nickname, type "/msg NickServ identify password"

Recovering Nick

If another user is using your nickname, you can use the recover command to force them to change. To do this, type "/msg NickServ recover nickname password".

User Commands

To learn more useful and sometimes necessary commands to control and edit aspects of your nickname, visit the link below.

IRC - Nick Commands

IV. 3rd Party Bots and Commands

Channel Bots

What are they?

So, who is that 'Milk' character that's ranked so high in #Rebelz? 'Milk' never talks to users, or answers PM's; so who or WHAT exactly, is it? The answer of course, is a channel bot. Channel bots help maintain the channel and keep everything running smoothly.

BotServ Commands


Common channel bot names include our own Milk, X, and Y.


Stat Bots


This bot is one of the greatest Runescape tools available in IRC. It can track your experience over a certain period of time, update you on GE prices, and calculate the experience required for you to level up. It also comes with several "fun" commands, some of which are always worth a laugh.

RuneScript Commands


Similar to RuneScript, this bot can show you detailed information based on Runescape, as well providing a laugh with 'Fun' commands.

Genie Commands


Miscellaneous Bots


Created to replicate an actual 'Death Match' from RS onto IRC, this bot can always provide some fun when doing something monotonous like fishing. You can DM other users in your channel, and save up the loot you pillage to buy more weapons, armor, and more. There's also a new clan system that allows you to join and create iDM clans.

iDM Commands


This bot has a rather simple but intriguing job. It sits in our channel 24/7 and records everything we say and do. It sorts its information on our channel and submits it to the chanstat site, where anyone is able to view it. If you want to see some 'stats' it has taken on #Rebelz, click the link below.

#Rebelz ChanStats

V. General IRC Commands



Regarding Channel Bots; such as Milk, X, and Y. Always Op'ed in the channel.

BotServ Commands




Pertains to controlling various aspects of channels.

ChanServ Commands


Fantasy Commands


Contains simpler, easier to remember commands that are similar to related BotServ, ChanServ, and NickServ Commands.

Fantasy Commands




Pertains to controlling Nicknames.

NickServ Commands




MemoServ is a utility allowing IRC users to send short messages to other IRC users, whether they are online at the time or not, or to channels.

MemoServ Commands


User Commands


Commands used for common tasks performed by IRC users.

User Commands

VI. Frequently Asked Questions

What is IRC?

IRC stands for Internet Relay Chat. It is a realtime multiuser chat protocol that was first created in 1988. The dominant use of IRC is through channels (or chat rooms). However, private user to user communication is also supported. If you would like to read more about IRC, visit IRC Help

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