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Nintendo Ads, Romney, and Half Life 2


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A group of developers in the gaming industry are using Kickstarter to fund their new project, simply called Old School Role-Playing Game. The website delivering this news had many positive comments, and I have hope in this title. I pray it comes to Ps3.

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Surely you have heard of the Kingdom Hearts HD Collection? If you have, you've likely noticed two important titles missing: Kingdom Hearts II and Birth By Sleep. It turns out that Square Enix is strongly considering releasing a second HD collection for the series that involves those two games, and possibly even Dream Drop Distance.

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Nintendo has put together a new ad campaign called "I'm Not a Gamer." The reception to these ads has been largely negative, with people saying it insults people who are gamers. I don't agree with that, but it brings a bit of sadness to me to see the big companies appealing to casuals more than core:


The website Cracked put together a bunch of pictures depicting what Mitt Romney must do to win the election. By far, this was the most popular choice:

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So, what are your thoughts on Old School Role-Playing Game? Kingdom Hearts HD Collection 2? Do you think the hate for Nintendo's ads are justified, or over the top? Most importantly, would you vote for Romney if he announced Half Life 3? Leave your responses in the comments below!

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I do understand the negative reaction to Nintendo's ads, but it isn't necessarily a bad idea. The 3DS is handheld for both the hardcore, with games like Snake Eater, Kingdom Hearts, Ocarina of Time, and the casual, with it's other features and less serious games. I just don't know how a video game ad is going to appeal to a non-gamer.And the Romney image will never happen. Everybody knows Gabe Newell won't release Half Life 3 until somebody beats all 3 waves of Mann V.S Machine at Mannworks.

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Kingdom Hearts one was k, never really got into any of the others - mostly because the first one was kinda just a smash buttons ftw. Then again, thinking back as i write this, i enjoyed it.Nintendo kinda suck anyways, never had much time for their games.Don't know or care who Romney is.

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Kingdom Hearts one was k, never really got into any of the others - mostly because the first one was kinda just a smash buttons ftw. Then again, thinking back as i write this, i enjoyed it.

The first one was great, but the second one was a lot better imo. They vamped up the combat and made it a lot more fun and just made your character feel more awesome by the end of the game.Kingdom Hearts is a great series, albeit a bit cheesy at times.
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