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Recruitment Run Planning


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So I've been thinking about this for a while, I've been trying to start organizing stuff with the Events Team but I thought I should share with the rest of the clan as well.

So the basic idea is we'll go to the clan camp on a busy world, I'll bring the clan avatar, and if enough people are there we might also do some stuff in the citadel (but obviously we'll have to have people outside telling people to go to the citadel, but thats just an idea) and ideally so long as we can get a good group together I'd like to go around runescape as a clan recruiting people, we could do some skilling etc, but I'd like to have a good number of people all in clan capes so that we can be easily identified as being from a clan if we do that. If anyone wants to it would be cool if we could also spread the recruiting to outside of the game (ie on fansites and the forums, it would be a good opportunity if you want to get a feel for recruiting as I'll be there to help out.

So who's interested? I'd like to have at least 5 people there, including as many staff members as possible. Once I know who wants to go I'll work out what time suits most of those people (theres no point me making an event that suits EST people if most of the people who want to go are GMT).

So if your interested reply in this format

Runescape Name: Self Explanatory

Most Convenient Times: in GMT or post your timezone as well and I'll convert it.

Interest in recruiting out of game: Y/N and which sites

Places you'd like to recruit: eg. Maples in Seers, Monkfish, etc. Post about how to recruit on fansites/forums

Also even if your not going please share your thoughts.

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Cool idea, I'm in if I may;

Runescape Name: eVirus_Neo

Most Convenient Times: from 19:00 to 23:00 pm (GMT +1)

Interest in recruiting out of game; runescape forums, other fansites possibly?

Places you'd like to recruit: Edgeville Bank, Yanille mining,Castle Wars?

Of course, your more than welcome to join in :D. I'll make sure to let you known when we're going to do this and I'll probably come up with a bit of a schedule for what we'll do just so that we don't get bored and run out of stuff to do. I'll post another topic or move this one once I've got the finer details thought out.

Castle wars is a good idea, although It might be better to be its own separate event rather than part of this one, but it could still work for this, Thanks for suggesting it :)

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Glad that there's a few people interested in this, and that the times your available is fairly close together, problem is the time thats convenient for you guys is 4 o'clock in the morning for me :(I'm on a break from uni for the next couple of weeks now though so I might be able to do it.

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Glad that there's a few people interested in this, and that the times your available is fairly close together, problem is the time thats convenient for you guys is 4 o'clock in the morning for me :(I'm on a break from uni for the next couple of weeks now though so I might be able to do it.

No worries, thats usually the case bud. Hence why we dont have many members on the events team.I did some research once, and found there to rarely be a time when more then 3-4 people are on together, and actually have enough time to start and finish an event.
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No worries, thats usually the case bud. Hence why we dont have many members on the events team.I did some research once, and found there to rarely be a time when more then 3-4 people are on together, and actually have enough time to start and finish an event.

Last couple of days I was the only 1 in cc for at least 5 hours..so ye..
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I suppose you simply need more members for that to happen regulary, which this is for right? Posted Image

Yeah, I thought I'd actually posted a comment saying that's why we needed to improve recruiting.

In theory.

Any recruitment runs i have done have gained 3-4 members, with none of them sticking around or using the forums.

Still, im all for taking part my friends.

My hope is also that people who participate in this will get a feel for recruiting and if they enjoy it or find they are good at it they might apply for a diplomat position.
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How many members do we have who play RS active anyways? I've been back for about 2 weeks now but I haven't seen much people get online and talk/be social or w/e

Dependant on the time of day, there are quite a few people in the clan chat. However, not everyone is so forthcoming in terms of saying a simple hello.I do remember a time when a person would get online, and the chat would be full of "Good morning "x"" or "Hello "y""Happy happy days. In my opinion, anyone who uses the forums, and reads this post, should try and spread the word of "simple greetings"!:P
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Dependant on the time of day, there are quite a few people in the clan chat. However, not everyone is so forthcoming in terms of saying a simple hello.I do remember a time when a person would get online, and the chat would be full of "Good morning "x"" or "Hello "y""Happy happy days. In my opinion, anyone who uses the forums, and reads this post, should try and spread the word of "simple greetings"!:P

Yeah, this is something I always try and do, and its such a simple thing that will make the clan more enjoyable for everyone.
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Yeah, this is something I always try and do, and its such a simple thing that will make the clan more enjoyable for everyone.

Spread the love then my friend.In all fairness, it seems to be a trend that people who use the forums, are also sociable in-game. We must promote from the inside, to gain members from the outside.Nobody wants to join a clan, get into the clan chat to find only one person gives a shit that they even joined.
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