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You Can Only Choose 10 (Slightly NSFW)


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1. 19 inch monitor and computer, easily my first choice2. Internet modem, obviously for the computer and #33. Game consoles4. Games ( lolduh )5. Fridge and Oven6. 1 oz of Maryjane a month. Can I pick this twice though? I don't think an oz would last me...In that order for my first six, lol.Don't really need much else. That's pretty much my room in a nutshell, haha. If I HAD to pick 10 though...7. The Cocaine8. MDMA and the acid tabs9. Garden with Pool ( Pool boy better be hot too! he also better enjoy MDMA :] )10. Hot Water HeaterIf I had to only pick five, I'd probably take away the game consoles and games and replace them with the water heater. I don't mind cold showers but a hot shower is so much nicer.I mean honestly, the computer and internet connection pretty much make the books/movies/tv/porn/phone/pen and paper obsolete. Since I can do all of those things on my computer anyway...

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9. Garden with Pool ( Pool boy better be hot too! he also better enjoy MDMA :] )

I'd be your Pool boy! :Dtbh the situation sounds like how i live... on my own, living on scraps that taste shit, so all these items are insane to me lolbut yer:1.Computer rig and screen2. PORN!3. Modem4. hot Japanese chick (dont want some bitch yapping whilst your playing your games brahh)5. Subwayy eat healthy6. the work our bench, gota look hench my jail tatts lol7. the bar8. the cocaine9. the mdma10. (no smokes?) guess it would have to be the phone then, probably wouldnt use it cause i wouldnt be planning to go anywhere...
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1. 19 inch monitor and computer2. Internet Modem3. 5 video games4. Fridge and oven5. Water heating unitHmm...those would be my first 5. After that...6. 30 books7. 2 plates of any food8. Mozart9. 3 pizzas10. Greatest artI'm not as attracted to women as most (I'm straight, just not as attracted to them,) find illegal drugs to be repulsive, and don't need much company. However, spending time with Mozart could prove to be most interesting...Also, who needs movies when you've got Youtube? I was going to say torrents, but then I saw the 3 gb limit.

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I'm not as attracted to women as most (I'm straight, just not as attracted to them,)

I just wouldn't include them because I feel like 10 years with any woman in a small room will be regretted sooner or later.And here's mine.1. Computer2. Internet3. Water heater4. Consoles5. Video Games6. Fridge and Oven7. TV8. Weight bench9. Boxing Set10. MoviesI find it surprising nobody questioned Putin's place on the list.
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1. Computer2. Internet3. Water heater4. Consoles6. Fridge and Oven7. TV

It says you only get 5 outlets. Together, these require either 6 or 7, depending on whether your modem is plugged into your computer or the wall. I suppose you could unplug something if you needed a slot, but what a pain that would be.Also, what's the point of Richard Feynman, Mark Twain, Putin, Zyzz, Charles Dickens and Issac Newton? They'd kind of just sit there.
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Everything in the spoiler is loaded anyways so there's no point in that. Posted Image

When I linked the image, it was really huge and I didn't wanna stretch the topic.

It says you only get 5 outlets. Together, these require either 6 or 7, depending on whether your modem is plugged into your computer or the wall. I suppose you could unplug something if you needed a slot, but what a pain that would be.

That's actually what I do now, since my bed and drawer block my other outlets. Again though, you are in there for 10 years, so what else are you gonna do?

Also, what's the point of Richard Feynman, Mark Twain, Putin, Zyzz, Charles Dickens and Issac Newton? They'd kind of just sit there.

They are all interesting people, so I guess it is to have some sort of human contact. Or maybe a girl is playing this game and they really wanna get with Mark Twain. Either way, I'd have to share food, so I'd rather go it alone. Unless I get the Japanese chick, in which case she'll do alright with the gruel.
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This site is pretty fancy; the image would be resized to fit inside your post and then scale with the forum to fit user screen resolutions. Posted Image

Yeah I noticed that after I posted the topic. I didn't change it because...well...

Kronk, why didn't I change the post?

Posted Image

Mate not being funny but i struggled to live with 1 woman for 1 year, how the fuck are you gona live with 4 for 10years? your insane.

He has never-ending pizza. That is the game changer.
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