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Stop living in the past. People left for a reason and there is a small chance they will come back.. Don't like this place? Bring people in! Recruit them.. rework the forums, actually TALK in the clan chat..

I see your point, but TRR was a MUCH different place a long time ago, he just wants some vets for old times sake. If RS wasn't half as dead and TRR actually had a strong amount of members (which little clans have nowadays), I bet you I'd be on RS every day, instead of once a year. Lol.Recruiting is also a lot harder than you think, when there is hardly no one to recruit, but you are right in one sense.
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I'm on rs everyday and 90% of the time alone in the clan chat, yet the clan has over 150 members...why not kick them? TRR is dead because nothing ever happens here. There are people on the cc that i have NEVER heard a word from and have 0 posts on the forums..Sorry but apart from death i don't see any1 recruiting...and the leaders aren't doing anything to change this.. my 2 cents.

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I'm on rs everyday and 90% of the time alone in the clan chat, yet the clan has over 150 members...why not kick them? TRR is dead because nothing ever happens here. There are people on the cc that i have NEVER heard a word from and have 0 posts on the forums..Sorry but apart from death i don't see any1 recruiting...and the leaders aren't doing anything to change this.. my 2 cents.

Because I amen't technically apart of TRR anymore, nor do I intend to be - I'm not trying to defend the activity. I know it's less than pleasing, but if you look around, finding an active RS clan is hard. I also feel that while people should always try to help improve the activity of the clan, recruitment should be left to the people have taken on that responsibility - I should know, I spent 90% of my time in TRR recruiting.Don't take this the wrong way, I would love nothing more than TRR to return to it's former glory and activity - I just feel that RuneScape (not TRR) has gone to a point where effective recruiting of proper members is almost impossible for any clan. By this I mean, I would love to see new members join TRR, that's not what my previous post was about, it was kind of more explaining why Dan and others miss some of the "oldies" of the clan that made the experience that bit more. :)
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Yer ferries right RS is dieing. When was the last time you saw some completely noobie just starting the game?Jagex know it too there just squeezing every penny out :/This is why we're trying to make a gaming community. Although rs is dead to most of us we dont want the community to die.

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Thing is, its hard to get ACTUAL members who wanna be a part of something. Most kids just wanna join because you asked them too, or because they saw your cool cape. Its too easy to join and leave a clan.My first clan experience, i had to search Zybez for it, myself, with nobody in-game comign around asking me to do it.I had to motivation to look for myself, and out of the 6-7 replies, i picked one clan, that had the best looking forums, because i actually wanted to use them, i also made sure they had an IRC chat, and a ventrillo server. I did all of this MYSELF, because i wanted to be a part of a Pure clan, and kick the shit outta people in the wild.Fact is, if i walk up to someone, ask them to join, and they do, there are a plethora of reasons that they will say yes, and to be honest, being active on forums, joining the IRC are not part of the "newly recruited so easily" plan.--This does not apply to members who find us through forums, as those members, like myself (Yeah, im one of those members!) use the forums and are regularly active.

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