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Gaming Community v2


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So Brad blagged me into doing this, so here goes.This post is for compiling all the games that people play, i have no idea exactly what the best way to do this layout-wise - but i will learn as time passes.Im trying to keep the form kinda short, and keep only the "mainstream" stuff, that people would probably group together to play.The point of all this is:- To find people who play the same games as you - and potentially play with them.- Possibly to find a new game, that you have never played before!- Events based on gaming together, not just RS.----------Please reply with ONLY this form,Owned Communications:Playstation 3:Xbox 360:PC:Other:-------------------Im pretty sure that small copy and pasteable form is self explanatory.------------------Events don't have to just be based on playing one game together, we can have a "PC GAMING TIME" where we designate a time we are all going to get on a communication system, and play any game we fancy playing at the same time.If anyone thinks i should add anything to this post, please feel free to send me a PM.------------------Updates:13/09/12 - I will be changing the format sometime this weekend if i can be bothered, so don't be alarmed by its current state; i shall try and make it more pretty, if i can be bothered.19/09/12 - Added Brad's Raidcall thing

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Clan Communication Servers:


-Simply download it here : http://www.raidcall....d-raidcall.html

-There is also a version for Mac floating around, but I think its 3rd party

-Register an account

-Search for our channel id : 5037732 : in the top left corner

-You should be connected to ESChat

-Dont forget to favourite our channel so its easier to find next time!

Communications (Send PM's for more info if not enclosed):

Tynisa - Skype, Ventrillo, TeamSpeak.

Fergal - PSN: ZohanDaGreat Steam: webmonkeyire

Brad - Skype, Teamspeak, Raidcall, IRC, Steam: braderz8

Eric Bloodaxe: Skype: Baardakus, Ventrillo Steam: Olbitt or CQ23

Snuggles: IRC - Contact for more information about other systems. XBL GT:KoloradoKush420

Daniel: Skype, IRC, Ventrillo, Facebook

Blexun: Steam: Captain No Pants.

Traaginen: Vent, Teamspeak, IRC, PSN: Wolverine408, Steam: Traaginen

Deathirst: XBL: BoneyDeathirst, IRC

Squishyman: PSN: kkjwsmith

Playstation 3:

Battlefield 3: Fergal

Call Of Duty 4: Fergal

Modern Warfare 2: Fergal, Daniel

Modern Warfare 3: Daniel

Black Ops: Fergal, Daniel, Traaginin

NCAA Football 13: Traaginen

Dungeon Defenders: Squishyman

Fat Princess: Squishyman

Dust 517: Squishyman

Dynasty Warriors 7: Squishyman

Demon Souls: Squishyman

Dark Souls: Squishyman

Little Big Planet 2: Squishyman

Modnation Racers: Squishyman

Mirrors Edge: Squishyman

Unreal Tournament 3: Squishyman

Portal 2: Squishyman

Borderlands: Squishyman

Xbox 360:

Gears of War 3: Tynisa, Brad

Call of Duty's: Brad, Snuggles, Daniel

Battlefield 2: Tynisa, Daniel

Battlefield 3: Brad, Snuggles, "Poss Tynisa if re-buys"

FIFA's: Brad

Halo's: Brad, Snuggles, Deathirst

Borderlands: Tynisa, Brad, Snuggles

Super Monday Night Combat: Brad

Resident Evil 5: Snuggles

Skullgirls: Snuggles

Street Fighter 3: Snuggles

Castle Crashers: Snuggles

Super Street Fighter 4: Snuggles(No DLC)

Left for Dead's: Snuggles, Deathirst

Mortal Kombat 9: Snuggles

Armored Core 4: Snuggles

Forza's: Daniel

Resident Evil's: Daniel

Mass Effect 3: Daniel

F1 2012: Daniel

Guitar Hero 3/Heroes of Rock: Daniel

Assassin's Creed's: Deathirst


League of Legends: Tynisa, Brad, Daniel

Counter Strike's: Fergal, Eric Baxe, Labush

Team Fortress: Brad, Blexun

Guild Wards 2: Brad, Eric Baxe, Daniel

Diablo 3: Brad

Portal: Brad

Minecraft: Eric Baxe, Daniel, xboxyoyo (1.3.2 cracked version), Deathirst

Terraria: Eric Baxe

MateriaMagica: Snuggles

Tekkit: Daniel

Realm of the mad God: Blexun, Squishy, Brad

Spiral Knights: Blexun

Garry's Mod: Blexun

Civilization V: Traaginen

Heroes of Newerth: Labush


Super Smash Bros: Snuggles, Squishyman

Pokemon something shit; Squishyman

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Eh, why not.

Fergal - Skype, Ventrilo, TeamSpeak 3Playstation 3: BF3 (w/ Premium), CoD4, MW2, BO (PSN: ZohanDaGreat)Xbox 360:PC: Counter Strike: Source (lolol) (Steam: webmonkeyire)

Notes: Honestly probably only going to play PS3, mainly BF3. My computer is damn slow, so I try to avoid PC gaming. Just signing up for a laugh tbh, getting bored of gaming.
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Owned Communications:obraderz - skype, TS, Radicall, MIRC, Mobile Phone (lol)Playstation 3:fuck noXbox 360:Shubadub - all CoD's, CS:GO, BF3, FIFA, Halo, borderlands, Super Monday Night Combat, GW3 and a few othersPC:R00nSc4p3, Team Fortress, League of Legends, GW2, Super Monday Night Combat, Diablo 3, Portal, CS:Source, Steam - braderz8

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Owned Communication: Many, but I'd prefer not to post them on the board here. I'm always idle in the IRC channel though. If you really want to know my other contacts send me a message.Playstation 3: N/AXbox 360: Borderlands / Resident Evil 5 / Call of Duty: Black Ops / Skullgirls / Street Fighter: 3rd Strike Online Edition / Castle Crashers / Halo: Reach / Super Street Fighter 4 ( I don't own the DLC so no AE for me ) / Left 4 Dead / Mortal Kombat 9 / Battlefield 3 / Armored Core 4XBL Gamertag: KoloradoKush420Wii: Super Smash Brothers BrawlPC: Runscape / MateriaMagicaOther:

You forgot a system :P
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Owned Communications: Skype, Irc, facebook, ventrillo

Playstation 3: mw2, black ops, mw3, lbp1/2

Xbox 360: mw2, black ops, mw3, Blackops2(when released), BfBc2(need to rebuy), forza 3/4/horizon(when its released), Res5/6(when released), mass effect 3, Formula 1 2011/12(when released), guitar hero 3/warriors of rock

PC:LoL, Rs, GW2(when i can afford it) Minecraft/Tekkit

Other: N/A

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READ ME: We have a lot of games starting to be named as "Played" - Personally i think this is un-neccesary, as quite a few of these games are old, underplayed, and even single player - do we even need this information? Edit your post to answer this question please, and give your opinions.

I didn't post any single player games, but all the games I posted are games I am willing to play again even if they are old. Left4Dead is an amazing game, even though the second one is out and has been out for quite some time. I don't think it hurts to list even the extremely old games. Sometimes it's nice to just put in something you haven't played in like a year.
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Thanks for the replies guys.Im honestly not up to date on most console games, hence why i thought some were single player - Mass Effect 3 for example?I can agree that keeping some of the older games is a good idea, and its not exactly a problem, for me to compile them, lol.Looks like they are staying. happy days.I dont think we have a vent or a TS server - however we can use the public TS/vent servers, if they exist, and if we have enough interest im sure a few people could put together to make a pot for a server of our own.Edit: Blue Speed did have a server for us a while ago - dont know if its still used or even paid for?

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Communications: I would prefer voice chat when possible; I don't use anything else very often. My PC and Ps3 are on separate floors of my house.PSN Name: kkjwsmithDungeon Defenders (REALLY want some people to play with)Fat Princess (For a Ps3 download only game, it's quite popular)Dust 514BorderlandsBlack Ops (Zombie mode only; I hate CoD's multiplayer)Dynasty Warriors 7Demon's SoulsDark SoulsLittlebigplanet 2Modnation Racers (I'm very good at this)Wipeout HD (I have it, but don't really play it all that much)Mirror's Edge (Time Trial Mode)Unreal Tournament 3Portal 2Wii:Super Smash Bros. Brawl (If only Snuggles is playing with me, I'll get destroyed)Pokemon Battle Revolution

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Found out the old TS3 server that I gave TRR (and used in Legacy of Legends) that got hacked now belongs to these guys...: http://www.the-wrecking-crew.co.uk/ (i.e. the one in the forum header for TRR). Lmao.Anyway, if we aren't going to buy a server/can't find one (Blue's I suppose). We could get someone to host a TS3 server from their own IP. I can't because my port forwarding just isn't working for me, as usual. That would give us a 32 (I think) slot server, but can be expanded to 512 if we register ElderSouls.com for a non-profile license.OR - last resort - we can get a new Ventrilo or TeamSpeak 3 server every 30 days for free. Bad news: Something like 5 or 10 slots. (* facepalm*)

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Owned Communications:Playstation 3:Xbox 360:PC:1.3.2 cracked minecraft version playing on a cracked server *to get the 1.3.2 cracked minecraft with the server here's the link http://thepiratebay....]_[server_List] may not be able to join a faction since on there i am in spartans but i could if able make another char if a faction is made also the name i am using on there is the same as my name here and on rs*Other:

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You should really rename this something along the lines of "Community PSN/Live/Steam Names" so people know what it is. Great idea/work though, I'm glad people are finally starting to take advantage of things that should probably have been done 9 months ago.Owned Communications:VentTeamSpeakIRCPlaystation 3 - Wolverine408Black OpsNCAA Football 13PC:Traaginen (Steam Name)Civilization V

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Owned Communications: Only IRC atm but I could easily get others if needed

Xbox 360: BoneyDeathirst

-Halo (all)

-Assassins Creed (although the multiplayer in those isnt great.



-Runescape (obviously)



I've got more multiplayer games on Wii, but most of them probably aren't that good and I don't play much. The other games were all I could think of at the moment, might come up with more at some stage.

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