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The joys of Blackberys....


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For any of you that are blackberry fans I sugguest that you leave this page for nothing good will be said... All this is about is how Blackberrys are pieces of shit


In 2003, the commonly known smartphone BlackBerry was released, which supports push email, mobile telephone, text messaging, Internet faxing, Web browsing and other wireless information services. It is an example of a convergent device. The original BlackBerry devices, the RIM 850 and 857, used the DataTac network.

I first purchased my first Blackberry on december 3rd 2011 along with my dad who got the same model. At first the phone started working fine and I was in love for a short while....

On July 13th My phone was dropped from three feet onto carpet and shattered into pieces. As always I was pretty pissed. After getting it fixed in 10 mins at the expense of $140 we were reunited for a short little while.

Not even a week later after getting it fixed I went to supper one day with my sister who had just received an amazing mark at university, when I tired to turn it on it wouldn't. After trying everything resetting, manually resetting it, changing and charging the battery and even hooking it up to the computer it still will not turn on. Finaly I took it in to get it fixed (again) and the person working had never seen it before. They sent away my phone to get fixed and while I waited they gave me a replacment phone. 4 days later and the same thing happened to my replacement phone. After this I asked my dad about how his phone had worked only to find that his freezes 18 times a day everyday. Now I am truly pissed off at Blackberrys and was wondering what type of phone that I should get that isnt a peice of shit. Any ideas?

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Had a first generation iPhone for about four years. Never had a single problem with it. Every other company has come out with easily fifty different phones to compare to Apples four ( five now? ). They also now allow to you legally jailbreak it as well. Which makes the phone a million times better because you don't have to use Apples crappy OS anymore.I personally don't like Apple. I do have to admit though, they make a good, solid phone. I'd take a picture of it, but I physically lost it about two weeks ago. It was literally thrown in the air and dropped onto cement once, and only chipped the top ( Was texting while dropping into a bowl at the skate park. Not a good idea <.< ). The only real fragile part is the screen, but that is to be expected with any phone.I also suggest getting the 3GS, and not the 4G. The 4G has a few connection issues and they decided the best way to fix this was to give away a free case to go on it :. Plus it's like $500 cheaper.

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I didn't know people really used Blackberrys anymore. I'm not an iPhone/Apple fan at all, and my last few phones have been Droids. Really happy with the direction their going, though what you get really depends on the manufacturer you buy through. Pure Google is the way to go generally.

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