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Battlefield 3 ownage?!?


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A foot soldier, eh? I'd be willing to play, you're going to have to learn how to cooperate in a tank though.Do you have other squad mates who play or do you fly solo?Also, a headset is a must.My squad is currently in Iraq and college, so they don't play too often anymore so I really don't have anyone else to play BF3 with at the moment. I also haven't played in about six months so I'm a little rusty.I also don't own any of the mappacks except for Karkand.if you still want to play, I'll delete someone from my friends list and add you when you reply.

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Your time played means nothing as far as I'm concerned.That SPM of only 330 scares me though. The average BF3 player has a SPM of about 400, with a high level player at around 700 ( the best being 800+ ). If you capture Four bases in Conquest, or destroy/defend one M-Com in Rush every game your SPM should be at about the 400 mark. The W is the important thing at the end of the day. Nothing else.You also seem to spray and pray and not think about your actual shots counting according to your stats. although stats such as accuracy, kd, WL, usually mean nothing. It does show your play style normally. You are in the top 1% of people in the world for shots fired, with an accuracy of less than 10%. Suppression is nice, but very dependent on the map. It also gives away position when attempting to flank, which is very important in large 12v12 matches.I mean no offense by any of this. Just critiquing what I see from your stats. I really don't care if you're good or not, since the odds of meeting anyone online who is actually good is pretty low. Especially if you aren't playing any Squad based games and playing the normal 12v12.I'd be willing to play a few games with you, but I think our play styles are just too different. We can see though.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I would be willing to play again. My gamertag is Bovine Bear, i never got into BF3, played it a little and quit because i couldnt be bothered to learn the maps again.Check my BF2 stats if you want any indication about me and my playstyle - i usually fly solo.From the UK though, so i dont know if its viable.

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Battlefield3 runs on dedicated servers, there is no host. So the only connection that matters is your own.

So if i play with someone else who is from the USA, we will both be using different dedicated servers, and thus playing together is perfectly viable?I never fully understood dedi servers, but they were the reason i loved GoW3 so much, level playing fields are awesome.
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So if i play with someone else who is from the USA, we will both be using different dedicated servers, and thus playing together is perfectly viable?

I never fully understood dedi servers, but they were the reason i loved GoW3 so much, level playing fields are awesome.

Kind of. Wikipedia describes it better than I can;

Dedicated server

Dedicated servers simulate game worlds without supporting direct input or output, except that required for their administration. Players must connect to the server with separate client programs in order to see and interact with the game.[1][2]

The foremost advantage of dedicated servers is their suitability for hosting in professional data centers, with all of the reliability and performance benefits that entails. Remote hosting also eliminates the low-latency advantage that would otherwise be held by any player who hosts and connects to a server from the same machine or local network.[1]

Dedicated servers cost money to run, however. Cost are sometimes met by a game's developers (particularly on consoles) and sometimes by clan groups, but in either case the public is reliant on third parties providing servers to connect to. For this reason, most games which use dedicated servers also provide listen server support.[1]

Dedicated servers are inefficient for games which only support low player counts (e.g. a RTS game typically played 1v1).

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