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Fishing for fun!


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I know a lot of you like to level slayer and combat. So if anyone ever needs any food to heal with just ask!I almost ALWAYS have lobbies on me, but if you need some sharks or swordies I can do that too! They just might take a bit longer :].I'm not charging or anything either. Just tell me how many you want and I'll give them to you. All I ask is you take about as many as you're going to need for your task or whatever. Just be reasonable please, I do need some lobbies to make myself money too :P.

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What you no replys to my 10,000 sharkies order?! Sadfaic.

Honestly thought it was a joke, lol. If you're serious though, I'll split them with the ones I get for Brad. Cooked or raw?

I can haz 1k lobs for phr33 pl0x?If you do, Ill start training combat hardcore again

1k Lobbies is a lot for free. I do need to make a little money, trying to get a purple Phat isn't cheap :P. I can sell it to you for the price of 500 though, if you want. So pretty much half off. I can even go lower if you really need me to, but I would like to make some cash ^.^Edit - Also want to add that my internet time is cut in half now that I'm working again. So the orders may be a bit slow. Sorry :<
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Honestly thought it was a joke, lol. If you're serious though, I'll split them with the ones I get for Brad. Cooked or raw?1k Lobbies is a lot for free. I do need to make a little money, trying to get a purple Phat isn't cheap :P. I can sell it to you for the price of 500 though, if you want. So pretty much half off. I can even go lower if you really need me to, but I would like to make some cash ^.^Edit - Also want to add that my internet time is cut in half now that I'm working again. So the orders may be a bit slow. Sorry :<

works for me!
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  • 2 weeks later...

How can you fish for so long without crying? D:

Lol, all I do is fish :D.I click on the fishing spot, with all sounds except soundfx turned off. As soon as I don't hear my character fishing anymore, I click on the next one or I go bank. Rinse, repeat.It's really the only reason I 'play' Runescape. It's because I can play it without actually... well... playing it! :D
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Lol, all I do is fish :D.I click on the fishing spot, with all sounds except soundfx turned off. As soon as I don't hear my character fishing anymore, I click on the next one or I go bank. Rinse, repeat.It's really the only reason I 'play' Runescape. It's because I can play it without actually... well... playing it! :D

This right here, is what i used to do too, but now i dont even have the energy to do that. lol.Happy days.
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So, I really want to buy all the dragon masks and the fish mask. So I'm taking a small break from fishing to make about 12k cannonballs.I'm still taking orders, they will just be a bit slower to fill. I like to set a quote of coal to mine every day and meet it.@Labush - I have your lobbies though, 2k of them. You can pick them up next time we're on. I'd like to get 200k for them if that's ok. I can go cheaper though of course. It's pretty much however much you want to throw me :]Edit - If anyone has a Dragon Pickaxe I could borrow, I would love you forevers! I might just buy one though... they are soooooo expensive though ;o;

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