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How to get rid of a Trojan

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I usually just flush them down the toilet.

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You can try restoring the system to before you started having trouble. Not sure if this fixes it or not as my anti virus usually shoots down threats prior to being infected.

fuck, i was going to make a condom joke. too slow

as for the virus if you cant find it try alot of anti virius. Im not a computer wizz lol

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From one of my uhhh information research sites... good way to protect your self if your getting paranoid...well.. again i didnt write this... dont know if its outdated but its still good info...1)........ only.. use... my... Windows... for gaming and normal stuff like paying the bills. Else I live boot linux (Debian isn't a pain in the ass). It's on an USB stick I either always have with me or have hidden behind locks. Of course, it's password protected and somewhat difficult to crack because the hash is salted.2............encrypt everything possible. Every way possible. With a password if you're able to remember it (DON'T store it anywhere, at least not digitally and in a form that anyone else can figure it out). remember that this not only includes your local files but your networking to, use http://anonym.to/?http://anonym.to/?https and whatnot. heck, this could prevent your passwords being sniffed.3)............ For internets, prefer anon ones like the i2p and freenet and tor networks. Also, VPNs are nice. don't store history nor cookies.4)............... use other people's connection. Even public ones will do if you've spoofed your MAC address, computer name and such (remember to un-spoof them after using your own connection again to prevent being caught). the fun thing with my live linux is that with it i can use other people's very own computers for any damn thing i want. just remember not to touch the physicla system in there at all in order to not leave any possible traces........you can make your linux look like windows in advance for this, haha...........5) .............In case it wasn't obvious, DON'T use things such as Facebook. If you have to do things that make it possible to determine who you are, like paying bills online, do it on a separate OS or preferrably, a separate computer altogether that you only use for legit things that are perfectly normal.Also, don't forget the tinfoil hat. it's mandatory.....................

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