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Small Group of common skyrim glitches

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Some-what common glitches in Skyrim

Getting out of Whiterun:

1. The original way to get out of whiterun was to jump on the barrel to the right of the entrance to Whiterun, and if you stood on the right side of the barrel, you were just inside the barrier and could jump onto the fortification and glitch out of Whiterun and run under the Skyforge and claim Eurland's loot

2. One of the houses in Whiterun is possible to climb on top of and a well placed jump from the very top, you can jump on top of the gate area between the two districts and you can fall through the district wall. by carefully walking under the map and navigating well, you can make it out of the map again and make it to Eurland's Chest.

3. The newest and apparent most current way to do this glitch, It requires a little more start-up to do and requires Whirlwind Sprint one and two. there is a little rock platform next to Eurland's Skyforge and use Whirlwind Sprint one to make it on top of Jorrvaskar. upon getting onto the very top arch of the mead hall, and use Whirlwind Sprint two to boost out of the map. WARNING: if you misplace your Whirlwind, you can die so Saving is a good idea. this is the fastest, and to me the most efficient.

Alchemy Glitch:

Oddly enough, that when having a full set of Fortify Alchemy armor, you can make a Fortify Restoration potion and for whatever reason, upon chugging this potion and un-equipping and re-equipping your armor, it'll keep the effect boost from the Restoration potion plus what the armor has. if you continue to do this glitch, you can possibly hit over 2,000,000% all the way up to 2,000,000% or even numbers higher than the byte max of 2.147 Billion percent (which results in showing up as a negative) This can then be used to make a fortify potion of anything, such as enchanting etc.

Smithing Glitch:

This glitch goes along with the alchemy glitch, and after using a modified smithing potion, or chugging a fortify restoration potion, you can make a full set of Smithing armor that would be around several thousand percent per piece.

Leveling glitch (Oghma Infinum):

Just like the Guide I posted, this is the fastest "non power-leveling" way to hit 81 in Skyrim, and can take anywhere of 5-40 in-game hours to complete (depending on variable, such as difficulty of finding bloods, or buying a house [if you don't want to do bleak falls barrow to get Breezehome])

Free Houses:

This glitch works with speed, if you are good enough, and there is a container close enough, you can deposit your money just after exiting the dialogue and depositing your gold. you'll have the key to the house added after the subtitles cease (it is very advised to have them to know your time left) you can do this also when buying the decorations as well. Technically since there is a container in the area, you can actually buy Proudspire Manor for absolutely nothing.

Free Spellcasting:

1. The original and "legit" way is to enchant them with 25% on all of them. with a full set, you'll be at free cost for whichever school you choose.

2. By using the alchemy glitch, instead of going by the cost of the school, you can enchant a helmet with +Fortify Magicka, and +Fortify Magicka Regeneration. This basically works the same, just with all 5 schools of Magic, just you'll be around a +1,000,000 Magicka and Magicka Regeneration.

Markarth Bookshelf:

Just found out by myself while doing the Oghman Infinium glitch in Vlindrel Hall. For whatever reason, all three bookshelves in there glitch up every time you do the glitch. So far the highest I've ever hit was 80 books on one shelf. It won't show every single book, just as much would normally fit on it, just the container is bigger.

Note: The first five glitches make doing speed runs very very easy, and are beneficial. If you are attempting a speed run, here are a few glitches to really help yourself up.

-By Unknown ProbLem

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Thank you very much, I've known these for quite a while and figure they could help somebody. just be careful with the Alchemy glitch, because it can have side effects, like messing with your Smithing and alchemy. it may glitch it so you can temper anymore, and need a very modified smithing potion to fix and it inly lasts 30 seconds before returning.

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