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The Search for Blexun's Treasure: Part Deux


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The Search for Blexun's Treasure: Part Deux

Date: Search and clues begin on August 2nd.

Location: Anywhere and Everywhere

Notes: Really enjoyed the last one I did. Also, the prize is a lot more valuable


To celebrate my name change from "The Pantless" to "Blexun", we're doing another one of these. With the completion of Carnillean Rising, I've come across a chest that I can store any item in and let other people find. So naturally, I've hidden it somewhere in the wide world of Runescape. Your job is simple, solve the clues to figured out the 5 digit pin number, then solve the last clue to find out where the treasure is buried. You need the pin number to unlock it, so rushing to the end will do you no good, unless you wanna guess numbers from 00001-99999.


  • [*]The chest is on world 64. Digging on other worlds won't help [*]You can only search for the chest when I'm logged in. This is Jagex's rule, not mine, so I'll try to be idling as soon as I release the clues [*]BRING A SPADE! [*]You can help others if you really want to, just know there is only one prize [*]I'll do my very best only have clues and the chest in non-quest related areas or quest related areas I assume we have all done already. Also, the chest will only be hidden in areas on the world map. In other words, no dungeons or buildings. [*]YOU MUST ASK ME FOR A KEY! You need both the pin number and a key to unlock the chest once you find it. Once I bury the chests you can request keys from me in game [*]The pin numbers aren't in the order that you solve them in. Once you have the pin numbers, pm me them in game and I'll tell you the order they are in. [*]If you pm me the supposed pin numbers and they are wrong, I won't let you guess again for another 10 minutes.


Now it wouldn't be fun if I told you what you were playing for. Like last time, it comes from my personal collection. Unlike last time however, it is a more expensive item from my collection. The name change from "The Pantless" to "Blexun" is a momentous occasion and not something to be trifled with. I wish you'd keep the reward, but if you wanna bank some cash, I recommend you come to this event.


In progress
Clue #1

To be released at the time of the event

Clue #2

To be released at the time of the event

Clue #3

To be released at the time of the event

Clue #4

To be released at the time of the event

Clue #5

To be released at the time of the event


To be released at the time of the event

Time Chart

Daylight Saving Time

[th] Time Zone [/th] [th] UTC/GMT Relative [/th] [th] Event Time [/th]
9:00 P.M. [/td]
8:00 P.M. [/td]
4:00 P.M. [/td]
3:00 P.M. [/td]
2:00 P.M. [/td]
1:00 P.M. [/td]

If your time zone is not included in the chart, a time zone converter may be of help.
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