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Old Runescape Appeal


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Pretty much the last thing I want to do is play Runescape with shittier graphics and less to do.Honestly, if Runescape managed to get rid of bots, stop/get rid of paying for real world items (although this may or may not cause a bump in membership prices), and start coming out with fun and original updates rather than pointless or lame stuff (Jagex used to release quest series over the summer, now they released easy xp and spins for repeated membership) it'd make the majority of players happy.Although I believe 90% of the players will be happy, the rest of the players don't like change, regardless if it's for better or for worse. They grasp to the past and claim it's the best just because that is when they had fun, when they were new players. But that is just an idea of mine. Kind of over-dramatic with the video, but I guess power to them for attempting to do something rather than complain in game.

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Basically it's the warring community shouting out for this... We war on runescape cause it's nothing like any other game.We ruined ourselves with teamsClan Camp ruined usCombat update ruined usAnd 1v1 wildy worlds will ruin us:/ all in all it's not looking great and the warring community has been shunned for years.

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