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I am 'encouraged' to use this forum more. People claim to be bored, so I pose something to stimulate your brain.Please take this for what it is, not for what you can turn it into.-----Ethics is a personal set of standards that a individual holds to govern there behaviour. This overlaps laws or religious standards and principles to some, as some of the most zealous and some of the most monsterous of crimminal hold certain standards as gospel. Consider the term honour amongst thieves.My ethics are based upon a combination of three things.1 - My faith, being a Ibadi Islamic.2 - My upbringing as a antebellum lady in Alabama3 - The path of the Avatar in the game Ultima: Quest of the AvatarMy ethics prevent my actions on certain things. Some of which being some things I will not do and will speak out against. Some things I cannot abide. Those things I shall not do either in person or threw story, threw song, or threw virtual media, or game.Some say "Its just a game, it should not matter."It matters that if something is against my ethics and I feel it wrong in person, am I not a hypocrit if I chose to do so threw the guise of for instance a game?An example for the sake of this discussion.I protested the practice of placing toys atop landmines in the Serbian War by the Serbian forces for the sole sake of killing the children of the Bosnians.In the MMO The Old Republic a pariable is there of doing the same to mines to kill children scavenging scrap metal on Balmorra. By choosing not to participate I lost many quests as well as being laughed at when i chose to speak to a developer about it.'Its just a game'So my question I open for debate is this.Do you follow your ethics? Or toss them aside if they do not directly effect you physically? Would you abide your ethics if you were walking down the street and something happened that you could continue to walk and ignore.

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I follow ethics to a certain extent. For example, in games like Dragon Age and Skyrim, where you can make choices, you can choose to be good or evil. I usually do a playthrough for both. However, sometimes the evil choice is so unethical that I can't bring myself to do it. An example is


You make a choice to destory or keep the Anvil of the Void, which allows people to be enslaved into Golem bodies. The master of the Anvil, Caridin, was turned into one, and he begs you to destroy it.


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not gona lie I dont really have Morale Ethics. Obviously I'm not gona wail on some kid for fun, but I had a rough up bringing and my arse off to get where I am today, so I dont take pity on people on benefits, neither do I feel "sorry" for disable people, I know a few and they love life and make the most out of everything, so theres no reason why they need my pity.I'm either strongly for or strongly against :) theres no middle ground for me

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In games, If given a good/evil choice I'll always research the outcomes and choose the one that gives me the most in-game benefit.In real life that's definitely not the case for me. Maybe because it's impossible to know the outcomes, but I like to think that's not the reason. :smile:

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In games, I do usually play the good guy, but when playing MW2, I did do the airport mission, killing a few hundred innocent people.

That was probably the best mission in the game; skipping it would be unacceptable. I actually found shooting civilians more fun than the multiplayer.
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That was probably the best mission in the game; skipping it would be unacceptable. I actually found shooting civilians more fun than the multiplayer.

Meh, it wasn't that great in my oppinion. Playing it wasn't even that shocking. It could have had way more impact if it was a cutscene or whatever.
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I also usually play the good guy in games...usually build my character around it...even in mmorpg I got for the 'good guy class' so no necromancers no undead spells and stuff like that I tend to go more of archery, mage, or paladin style characters

Agreed, although I had an uber necromancer in Guild Wars. It's so fun to have dead people obeying you, just saying.
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I think we are deviating slightly. Its not about playing good or bad. Its about your personal code.An example, I am a avid protector of children. So my ethical code makes certain times in games where harming of children is forced to be distressing. As is the destruction of knowledge which I cannot abide.

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Agreed, although I had an uber necromancer in Guild Wars. It's so fun to have dead people obeying you, just saying.

Sorry to deviate BUT Guild Wars 2 you buying/Pre-ordered?Oh and I work on karma :) and go by the whole "treat others as you wish to be treated". I also have a 2 chances rule. People I meet get 2 chances to be a dick they blow them I simply don't want to hang around with those people.So what's everyone's opinion on drink and drugs then?
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My faith prevents imbiding of strong drink of wheat and berry.I do not use drugs as I have no much wrong with me, why add more?Guold Wars I was in 1 since beta, I do not approve of getting to keep my monument in 2, getting to see my achievements and not touch. But lets not turn this into a GW pre order thread so keep youe GW's brief guys =)

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Sorry to deviate BUT Guild Wars 2 you buying/Pre-ordered?

Oh and I work on karma Posted Image and go by the whole "treat others as you wish to be treated".

I also have a 2 chances rule. People I meet get 2 chances to be a dick they blow them I simply don't want to hang around with those people.

So what's everyone's opinion on drink and drugs then?

Hm havent pre-ordered yet, maybe I should, it's going to be EPIC

Drink and drugs:

Im Dutch Posted Image , legal to drink at 16, started at 15ish, used to drink quite a bit, but now I'm aiming for an epic six/eightpack this summer and following a diet that barely allows any alcohol, so now I usually only drink when I go out, which is 1-2 times per week

Drugs is legal at 18, havent done that too much, I just dont get a thrill out of it, weed is OK I guess, really really cheap too. Some of my friends do illegal/hard drugs too, but I'm not into that, it's illegal for a reason.

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Hm havent pre-ordered yet, maybe I should, it's going to be EPIC

Drink and drugs:

Im Dutch Posted Image , legal to drink at 16, started at 15ish, used to drink quite a bit, but now I'm aiming for an epic six/eightpack this summer and following a diet that barely allows any alcohol, so now I usually only drink when I go out, which is 1-2 times per week

Drugs is legal at 18, havent done that too much, I just dont get a thrill out of it, weed is OK I guess, really really cheap too. Some of my friends do illegal/hard drugs too, but I'm not into that, it's illegal for a reason.

Must admit life sounds good over there :P

18 to drink in the uk but most people start house partys an that at 13 :/

Drugs I won't go into details but I dabble on a night out, you get one shot at life and I'm willing to try everything. But I'd never ever inject.

And yes please Pre-order GW2 lol never really played GW so need a guide lmao

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Never smoked anything, injected, or taken any drugs.I dont think i will like the feeling of "Not being in control"At least with Alcohol i know where i stand, well .. most of the time. >.>;;(I understand its a slight contradiction, but in essence, you never really know the "%" of what you would be taking, whereas Alcohol has a typical standard, dependant on what it is - therefore i know what im doing.)--Ethics wise, i wouldnt slay many wimen and children, steal someones car, U-turn it and then drive it down the pavement, slaying yet more people - only to ring my buddy to deliver me a tank, and proceed to get the army to chase me while i fire shell after shell into everything and everyone. (Saints Row.)Sorry, i just dont get how doing something in a game in any way relates to doing shit IRL.

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I can look at myself in the mirror, even if i just ran over 10248230 people in a tank.Fact is, i know i wouldnt do things IRL that i do in games.I'm never going to be able to dress up in a full Halo suit and go slaying aliens on a distant planet, but i get to experience that in a game - i hate halo, but tbh i wouldnt have known that if i had not experienced this myself.it doesnt exactly make my point valid, but it is still a point.

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I can look at myself in the mirror, even if i just ran over 10248230 people in a tank.Fact is, i know i wouldnt do things IRL that i do in games.I'm never going to be able to dress up in a full Halo suit and go slaying aliens on a distant planet, but i get to experience that in a game - i hate halo, but tbh i wouldnt have known that if i had not experienced this myself.it doesnt exactly make my point valid, but it is still a point.

That's a reason I don't like realistic games. I always saw video games as a way to escape our reality and enter an alternate one.
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I can look at myself in the mirror, even if i just ran over 10248230 people in a tank.Fact is, i know i wouldnt do things IRL that i do in games.

Like Tynisa said, I've played many shooting games, because I love them...the reason why I love shooting games is because I have great respect for people who are in the military. I guess I play those type of games because I know that's the only way I could experience and get a feel for what they do.Also like Tynisa said I can do a bunch of stuff in a game and look at myself in the mirror because I know I would never commit something like that ever in real life unless I'm force to do so.... (i.e. WW3?)
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Like Tynisa said, I've played many shooting games, because I love them...the reason why I love shooting games is because I have great respect for people who are in the military. I guess I play those type of games because I know that's the only way I could experience and get a feel for what they do.Also like Tynisa said I can do a bunch of stuff in a game and look at myself in the mirror because I know I would never commit something like that ever in real life unless I'm force to do so.... (i.e. WW3?)

Its WW5 first.Thats the beauty of World War 5, its so powerful it skips the other wars.(Family Guy - Its not the exact quote, but i cba to google.)
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