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Best Combat Style in Skyrim

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10 members have voted

  1. 1. Best Combat style

  2. 2. Most Over Powered

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A question maybe not asked too much around here but what is the best Combat Style? your opinion can be based of expeience, preferrence or whatever, just please provide feedback on what you think.To start us off, Melee. The most common and possibly most used because at some point any character build, or style needs Melee to back it up in close quarters situations. However, when it comes to damage, does it stack up? provided no perks are spent, your typical weapon (Daedric will be our standard for everything from now on) will hit like 60-90 damage when fully tempered (with NO smithing armor/potion boosts) now provided you put some perk points around, either 1H or 2H depending your play style, can now be around 100-250(possible exagguration on the 250) but you notice a dramatic increase. now add your enchanted armor and rings etc. and you are around 200-400 damage. I think the possibly highest however is a sneak perked enchanted armor boosted dagger, as a 15/30x sneak crit on a dagger that does around 100-200 now becomes from (1500-3000)-(3000-6000) damage. Even on master that damage should probably mutilate anything you come in contact with. Next up, Spellcasting, Offensive and Defensive. Where to begin, Destruction first, the most commonly used next to Restoration, you have three types of spells Fire, Frost, and Shok damaging spells. now without perks, the base damage is around a mere 60 for them. on master that is halved to 30. add the perks to make them better, Augmented "insert type" they can be uped to 45 a piece (90 damage). Never forget to add perks into dual casting and for the stagger on Destruction because they improve Destruction a force to be dealt with. the next most common being Restoration, which the base can only heal health lost. With a couple of perk placements, it recovers Stamina. the most powerful spell that isn't once a day is grand healing, which heals a whopping 200 health per cast (and stamina with the perk). Restoration greatly compliments anything as it'll keep you alive and healthy (and maybe kill undead). Conjuration, the "force multiplier" adds on base of one "familiar" to fight for you. prior to master, you can already cause yourself to be a problem because your enemy is distracted by whatever you summoned. once master is reached and the ritual complete, one can permanently summon certain creatures which can come more in handy due to lack of constant re-casting. Alteration is more of a side skill as you alter reality with it, such as your armor or items in the game. best for using transmute to make jewelery for money. Illusion messes with reality itself and allows the user full control with things like invisibility and such. Finally, Archery. Archery to some is seen as the most powerful because with the right tuning and proper placement of perks you can make sneak shots 100% of the time where you may fail with a dagger. normally a standard bow upon master Archery is around 40-70 damage which is lower than Melee. however, upon adding the +5 to the first perk, all bows are double damaged and now with full tempering are almost on par with Melee weapons. Heres the kick, with some skillfully crafted enchanted Archer gear, that "puny" bow can hit upwards of 600 damage! to top that wonderful sundae off with a cherry, get the sneak perk for bows, and you are hitting around 1800 damage at long range garenteed! even on master that is 900+ damage per arrow on a sneak shot. odds are you'll be able to hit a target from distance over stalk raping him with a sharpened death stick.My personal choice as Best is Melee because it is most versitile, however Archery is probably most Over Powered because of sneak. I would've chose Destruction spellcasting because of staggering, but having a few enemies come at you at once is very hard to manage and easy to lose.This has been a comparison by Unknown, enjoy!

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Im usually the guy who sneaks behind enemies and headshot them from a distance. This doesn't quite work well when you're fighting groups, though. Melee is what gives me the most fun when playing the game.So the most of my perks are based on melee and some minor ones on archery.

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I came into the game a firm believer in mage characters, largely because they've been extremely powerful (to the extent of being OP) in previous games. To make a long story short they're easily the weakest in Skyrim, so long as we can't make custom spells (if this happens they'll be the most powerful again due to unlimited mana capability).Melee is very easy. It has the potential for a lot damage and hitting the enemy is easy, so the damage per second is high.Archery does the most damage, but I'm not sure how simple it is to hit fast-moving targets. Besides that, the amount of attacks you can get in in a few seconds is lower than melee. Someone should do a test to see what the DPS of each is; archery is high but melee can generally get more hits in. I haven't played with an archery character yet so I can't really offer more.Good thread though, your analysis was pretty spot on.

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Spellcasting is definitely the most fun. While it definitely has a limit damage wise (unless you make a potion to increase destruction damage, something I haven't messed with yet), I enjoy blasting area spells, conjuring allies on the run, and just general mayhem that magic provides. If they ever supply DLC for making spells, AND STAFFS DAMNIT, then it definitely has the most potential to be the most over powered combat style.Archery is also a lot of fun and I what I would pick for most over powered. With the right perks, smithing, and enchantments, it can do just as much damage as melee. Not as fast of course, but between staggering shots, slow motion aiming, sneak attacks, and the many other perks in archery, you can take down most opponents before they land a hit on you.And Melee is fun I guess. Just more satisfying to take things down from a distance. =/

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I'm glad that people are actually posting AND voting on here and it gives me much better insight, as I forgot about all the extra little bonus things Archery comes with for perks. the Paralysis for master is WAAAAY more potent than any other classes because suuure melee has it, but getting off successful back power attacks is like trying to fight a dragon only using shouts.But on the same note, David is right, Magic/Spellcasting has the opportunity and most potential to become over powered provided a DLC is released to show that somebody cares about it. Maybe it's the weakest because Skyrim's general Dragonborne hero was supposed to be nord and most Nords are like "lolwut? Magic, ha." and tend to enjoy cutting things with sharp sticks. Also maybe they're hunters as well? explains the OPiness of Archery xD

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I don't think any of them are overpowered, I just find magic to be underpowered. That said, I think melee is better, so I voted for that. I've never been very good at first person shooters, so maybe that explains why I never use archery. I'm not that bad at third person shooters like Uncharted and Mass Effect, though.

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I absolutely LOVE Archery, but I agree that Melee is the most fun(1st person combat is definitely awesome and I feel it really lets you immerse yourself in the action). I don't really fight with Magic though, unless of course I'm summoning Daedra or reanimating corpses. Destruction is not really my strong suite. I think my next character will be a Mage though. I can see that being a Mage is quite popular.
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Archery can be way too overpowered. I watched my best friend two shot a dragon with iron arrows. It's just not right. He's pot shotting dragons, while I'm literally Shouting at it to flipping LAND.

My level 81 Hunter spec that I made has a Daedric bow that currently does 465 damage and his Daedric war axe a staggering 430 something. Oh the wonder of careful planning xD would you maybe like some help for a character build?
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xD I don't try to stat Nazi, just happens since I try to enjoy the challenge of Master and really Ancient dragons on master are something to avoid in close range... so for me, I sort of have to if I want to stay alive (All damage done to you is 200% and all damage you deal is halved on master, so you could seem my point, lol)

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