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How do most of you feel about it?To me, it's one of the more tedious parts of RS and has turned me off from the game more than once. Grinding through all of the later (and of course, the most important ones) kills me.Also, I'm new here. Hi :)

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I actually don't like questing, unless I need it for something like D Longsword, D Scimitar or like wearing Rune Plate-body, aside from that I don't really care much for it.example: I'm going for 99 fishing and everyone says to do monkfish but since I don't have 101 quest points and have Swan Song completed I fish lobsters because I don't really see a reason to do the quests because I can still attain the achievement nonetheless

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  On 6/24/2012 at 5:19 PM, 'Traaginen said:

I'm not a fan at all. I've posted numerous rants on the subject in the past but I'll just sum it up with five words:Underground PassOne Small Favour

I can do you one better with 3 words.Recipe for Disaster
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A lot of quests are fun. I guess it depends if you get into the story lines for each of the quests, which of course, some are better than others.Honestly, getting quest cape wasn't that hard. I just focued on rewards I actually wanted, then story lines I wanted to do, then all the quests I could do, then skilled for the final batch.Also, Elemental Workshops suck.

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I love questing. Especially when the stories are somewhat engaging and suspenseful (Ritual of M, While Guthix Sleeps) however, I am not a fan of what I like to call "filler" quests. Quests that are filled with nothing but puzzles, no/weak storyline, and small "busywork" tasks that involve running back and forth. -cough- Elemental Workshop -cough-

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I don't really care for questing because I'm not into the 'Lore', I'm that person who does a quest for the rewards and to be able to do better things because they are done.The cape is pretty spiffy, but still out of reach for me.Welcome to the clan Singe! Great discussion topic^^

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  On 6/25/2012 at 5:43 PM, 'Traaginen said:

The Cold War thing with the penguins and Hunt for Red Raktuber (or whatever) are the only two quests I have enjoyed in the entire game. Those two did get a chuckle out of me, though. Who doesn't love KGB penguins?

and PBJ Polar Bears ;-)What I like a lot too are the jokes and references in the chats but I dont like the long boring tasks that a quests will make you do.
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  On 6/26/2012 at 5:57 AM, 'torpedo jr said:

I generally like questing, mostly for the rewards and sometimes the story lines, however i end up using a guide for most of them

There is never a time where I don't have Zybez up with whichever quest I'm doing that day.I only have 150 QP and I've been neglecting to do R4D. Shame it's almost a requirement :/I've been trying to do 1-2 a day just to get them out of the way.
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