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New Combat Levels


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http://services.runescape.com/m=forum/c=FSkPHdhyD8w/sl=0/forums.ws?296,297,805,63808234Mod RatheJagex Mod20-Jun-2012 16:57:59Hi all, I hope to clarify our thinking behind the new combat level calculation here. As you will have seen, the new combat level calculation has been announced and is: 2 + Defence + X = Combat Level X = The highest of either Attack, Strength, Ranged or Magic Therefore the new highest combat level is 200, and the new lowest is 4. What we wanted to achieve with the new calculation was to streamline it, so making it easier to gauge how difficult your target will be to fight. Now while in a way it is sad to see Prayer, Summoning and Constitution retired from the formula, we felt that they were just complicating the issue. While Prayer does make a big difference to the outcome of a fight, ultimately either someone has it or they don't and you'll soon see if they do when they use it. To this end, we felt people who are serious about their combat would all have the necessary Prayers. In a system where everyone has something, featuring it in the calculation doesn't really help anyone, and so for the sake of streamlining, Prayer was dropped from the formula. In regards to Summoning and Constitution, while again they do make a difference, in the new system they don't make enough of a difference to warrant a place in the new formula. A maxed out player in the best gear will have 990 Lifepoints from their Constituion, but will be getting around 15,000 Lifepoints from their equipment. Summoning has largely been left to one side for now, as we wish to re-visit the skill with an overhaul of its very own in the future. For now, Summoning doesn't play a large part in the new combat system, so again is not featured in the new formula. To be continued...Mod RatheJagex Mod20-Jun-2012 17:08:52 Last edited on 20-Jun-2012 17:29:45 by Mod Rathe...We hope the new combat level will give people a clearer view of what their target is capable of. With the new level of balance we hope to bring to Melee, Range and Mage, and the reinforcement of the combat triangle, having 99 in Attack, Strength, Magic and Range won't provide you with an advantage over someone with only 99 in one corner of the combat triangle. Armours now feature heavy negative penalties for attacking with the wrong style while wearing them, so having 99's in all the corners of the combat triangle will not present an advantage during a fight. Where having 99's will be an advantage, is giving you the choice as to what style of combat you want to use before a fight. We are very keen to hear your feedback on all aspects of the new system, and will work closely with the players during the Beta to help polish the system to the best it can be. Some final random thoughts: All NPC's have had their combat level changed to reflect their true combat ability, and will use the same system as players (a lot of boss monsters use fake combat levels in LIVE currently) Players worried about a level 4 guy with 99 Summoning cleaning house with their Steel Titan needn't worry, that level 4 will get demolished with no defence, and hence no larger lifepoints pool. Armour switching in combat will not be an effective tactic to employ, as when you switch some armour in combat, you will encur a double global cool-down across all your abilities, which will result in your damage output taking a serious hit in the short-term which will give quite an advantage to your opponent who will still be blasting away at you.Dicuss
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Well that's fkn bullshit. Going to be so many 200's running round that were so broke ass they couldn't afford prayer.Kids will be asking me for my levels constantly :/ max combat should show youve mastered all styles not two styles... This is bull shit.BIG RANT WARNING:They're concentrating too much on pkers all of a sudden, only people the combat system will help is pkers. It won't help warrers because most people will be 160+ that war now...Even the combat update taking out spec attacks takes out rushing again it helps pkers and no body else.All the past updates have been geared towards pking. Again and again warring clans are brushed aside. 3 years ago there were hundreds of active warring clans with lots of members, then they shat on us with RCW which badly needs updating and even the clan updates were bad because now new people in the game never hear abouts RSC clans and it's isolated us.It's amount time jagex stopped helping the whining pures and helped out some of the games warring vets.

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Damn, Ill be nearly cb 191 at the release and im only 70 prayer and 68 summoning

Yeah it's so stupid :/ I don't like how it's going to hide the potential of the person you're fighting...does that meant they're going to change the level of monsters too? cause they said you can fight anything below lvl30 yours or something like that
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Yeah it's so stupid :/ I don't like how it's going to hide the potential of the person you're fighting...does that meant they're going to change the level of monsters too? cause they said you can fight anything below lvl30 yours or something like that

There is just an xp decrease when you fight those monsters with your highest combat skill, not including defense of course. So let's say you have 99 strength, 60 attack, and 99 defense. If you use strength to fight a guard, you'll see a noticeable decrease in your xp. if you switch to an attack style though, you'll get normal xp. Well, maybe normal xp.And yes, monster levels will change with this update.
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