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Hijacked and moneymaking bot!

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When I tried to log in to my account yesterday, it would not let me. Then I tried to recover my password, but I did not have the right e-mail adress. I then sent an e-mail to Jagex about this. This is their reply;

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I then did what they told me to do and now I got my account back. When I logged in I was in a dungeoneering dugeon with chaos druids, with my inventory filled with herbs and some other stuff. Also, I was wearing the classic moneymaking bot outfit. I then went to my bank to discover, ofcourse, that they sold all my stuff, turned my bank into a complete mess, deleted all the tabs and made a new one with all the stuff they were going to sell. Therefore I lost 30m+ and was left with 7.5m. I have told Jagex all this.

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Here you can see the set-up and some of the crap I sold.

Edit: By the way, I had already done a virus scan before I got the e-mail and I did have a bank pin. The scan came up empty and the account security did not help much. I also owe a friend the same amount of money as I have left, not that I think he will ever claim it.

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hmmm if nelly ever pays me back I don't mind helpin you out a bit, you can ask anarchy bout that.Have you ever accessed your account through someone else's wifi, or computer? Have you ever used a public internet? If you have wifi is it passworded? Do you use strong passwords?

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hmmm if nelly ever pays me back I don't mind helpin you out a bit, you can ask anarchy bout that.Have you ever accessed your account through someone else's wifi, or computer? Have you ever used a public internet? If you have wifi is it passworded? Do you use strong passwords?

I can't remember if I have accessed my account someone else's wifi or computer, but I don't think so, same with public internet. The wifi is passworded and I do have a strong password. Both wifi and RS password are more or less random capital and normal letters and numbers, both different.
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RS doesn't recognize capital letters in pw.Also, shields are lame, get a dragon defender from Warrior's Guild (gotta work your way up through the different defenders), then you'll be set for combat activities.You have a nice Fishing level, can make a bit of money there.

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RS doesn't recognize capital letters in pw.Also, shields are lame, get a dragon defender from Warrior's Guild (gotta work your way up through the different defenders), then you'll be set for combat activities.You have a nice Fishing level, can make a bit of money there.

Completely forgot about ddef, I got one in my bank
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