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A Change in CC Ranks


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the dispute is because, why have a "cc mod" position if event and recruit team have equal abilities in cc. I do believe at times there is a lacking in cc moderation at times, but we can't expect dan to be at it day and night, nor should we look upon council or Con. to be there when Dan's elsewhere. IMO, we should have atleast one more cc mod

I've brought up getting another CC Mod for extra measure cause we aren't always one but people disagreed with me soo...cant blame me...

if you look in the rank list on the "runescape page" under "heirarchy. It specifically says "CC Moderator"

CC Mod is just there so people know who to go too... Moderators use to exist back in the day but they were also Forum Mods so it came hand in hand...
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Honestly, I like the fact that people get CC ranks for staying in the clan for an extended period of time. Kicking powers, however, should be granted based on maturity, not rank, and CC moderators should be clan members who have demonstrated that maturity over a long period of time.

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Honestly, I like the fact that people get CC ranks for staying in the clan for an extended period of time.

A lot of clans are like this now... I usually get this question when people join "What rank can I get?" so if they only get Corporal they have no need to stay because getting a higher rank gives them a sense of accomplishment, hence why they leave and join another clan where they can get that feeling they've moved up..
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Guys.There is no such thing as a "CC Mod" position. There never has been. There HAVE been retired Council members who are given exemplary rebel and kicking powers.Dan was given kicking powers for one night Jeremy was trolling and no one ever took them off.

that was for IRC, not the CLAN CHAT.
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If I remember correctly CC MOD was actually just called Moderator (Forum, Chat, IRC Moderator) in past, I don't know when it disappeared...but when I came back to the clan Swaffle was already a CC Mod...

Here is my newer Proposition, just an idea that ran through my head just now...Recruit is the changed part

Posted Image Recruit - Given to muted player instead of kicking them

Posted Image Corporal - In-game Recruit

Posted Image Sergeant - Rebel

Posted Image Lieutenant - 6 (9, 12) Months of being a ACTIVE Rebel

Posted Image Captain - Established Rebel & Exemplary Rebel

Posted Image General - Event Coordinator & Diplomat

Posted Image Admin - Clan Chat Moderator

Posted Image Organiser - Warlord

Posted Image Coordinator - Council

Posted ImageOverseer - High Council

Posted Image Deputy owner - Clan Leader

Posted Image Owner - Founder


Posted Image Recruit - Given to muted player instead of kicking them

Posted Image Corporal - In-game Recruit

Posted Image Sergeant - Rebel

Posted Image Lieutenant - Established Rebel or + (& Exemplary Rebel)

Posted Image Captain - Exemplary Rebel or (N/A)

Posted Image General - Event Coordinator & Diplomat

Posted Image Admin - Clan Chat Moderator

Posted Image Organiser - Warlord

Posted Image Coordinator - Council

Posted ImageOverseer - High Council

Posted Image Deputy owner - Clan Leader

Posted Image Owner - Founder

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well, if youve ranked someone above cc rank of admin, i trust youve thought of the action and trust said individuals... and at that rate, any discussion beyond that is you not trusting your original gameplan. if someone sub admin wants ability to boot in cc, apply for something. it aint gonna kill ya

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I've replied before w/ what I thought seemed logical. Why not make all Staff+ responsible for CC Mod duties (keeping the peace/kicking, etc) if there isnt a cc mod online?If youre getting rid of the rank altogether, thats going to happen anyways. But if you keep it, CC Mods will be the *main* peacekeepers. On my phone, I'll be home tomorrow, maybe post more..

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2nd would be easier to implement and keep updated. While having a couple of "CC Mods" is pretty helpful, I see a potential problem with it being a pseudo-rank. The few that are deemed mature enough to get it are ranked above the Events Team and the Recruitment Team and said "CC Mods" work a lot less. Although I, and I'm willing to bet the majority of members, don't care that much about ranks, I can see how this may discourage people from working at events and recruitment. If you want to keep the pseudo-rank though, I guess there are three things you could do.

[*]Rank EC's and D's above the mods. Kind of impracitcal because with that many mods, the "CC Mods" would be overkill.

[*]Rank those selected as "CC Mod" above EC's and D's and hope the latter don't care about the unfairness of ranks.

[*]Hand select specific mature members out of the EC's and D's and make them a mods as well as keeping their regular events or recruitment duties. For example, if Muscle Pirate, Lord Caspen, and I were Event Coordinators, Caspen and I may get ranked to Admin while Muscle Pirate stays the default rank for EC's and D's.

Although in the grand scheme of things, this isn't monumental enough to worry that much about it.

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I just want my red key rank back...

Also we never had cc mod, just moderator like anarchy said, handled forums cc and irc, back in fc it was the sgt rank.

Posted Image Recruit - Given to muted player instead of kicking them | in-game recruit

Posted Image Corporal - Rebel

Posted Image Sergeant - Exemplary Rebel | 3+ month Active Rebel

Posted Image Lieutenant - Established Rebel | 6+month Active Exemplary Rebel(20usd min)

Posted Image Captain - Established Rebel + Exemplary Rebel

Posted Image General - Event Coordinator | Diplomat

Posted Image Admin - Clan Chat Moderator (Rank is solely for purpose cc maintenance)

Posted Image Organiser - Warlord

Posted Image Coordinator - Council

Posted ImageOverseer - High Council | Apollyon3x6

Posted Image Deputy owner - Clan Leader

Posted Image Owner - Founder

To earn Established Rebel, you shouldn't just need to be an old member, but also to have been a contributing veteran member with 12month+ Activeness.

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Posted Image Recruit - Given to muted player instead of kicking them | in-game recruit

Posted Image Corporal - Rebel

Posted Image Sergeant - Exemplary Rebel | 3+ month Active Rebel

Posted Image Lieutenant - Established Rebel | 6+month Active Exemplary Rebel(20usd min)

Posted Image Captain - Established Rebel + Exemplary Rebel

Posted Image General - Event Coordinator | Diplomat

Posted Image Admin - Clan Chat Moderator (Rank is solely for purpose cc maintenance)

Posted Image Organiser - Warlord

Posted Image Coordinator - Council

Posted ImageOverseer - High Council | Apollyon3x6

Posted Image Deputy owner - Clan Leader

Posted Image Owner - Founder

Posted Image Recruit - Given to muted player instead of kicking them | in-game recruit (I was thinking of muting recruits hence the muted rank)

Posted Image Corporal - Rebel

Posted Image Sergeant - Exemplary Rebel | 3+ month Active Rebel (Kinda confused what happened here)

Posted Image Lieutenant - Established Rebel | 6+month Active Exemplary Rebel(20usd min) (IMO David decides how you donate make you Exemplary..if I believe correctly it was given to anyone who donated I think $5+USD)

Posted Image Captain - Established Rebel + Exemplary Rebel (I say we separate the rank cause exemplary is higher)

Posted Image General - Event Coordinator | Diplomat

Posted Image Admin - Clan Chat Moderator (Rank is solely for purpose cc maintenance)

Posted Image Organiser - Warlord

Posted Image Coordinator - Council

Posted ImageOverseer - High Council

Posted Image Deputy owner - Clan Leader

Posted Image Owner - Founder

[*]Hand select specific mature members out of the EC's and D's and make them a mods as well as keeping their regular events or recruitment duties. For example, if Muscle Pirate, Lord Caspen, and I were Event Coordinators, Caspen and I may get ranked to Admin while Muscle Pirate stays the default rank for EC's and D's.

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imo we should have clan moderator be ranked in cc, we've never had a specified cc moderator but have had clan moderators, i know since i was a clan moderator under Lil Chef Terravilla and Blue, dont remember if this was before or after i was ec, but it did come with fc rank promo.

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On another note, I Somewhat want to purge the Clan Chat of people who do come on.. :/

These are the new ranks (haven't changed them yet)

Posted Image Recruit - Given to muted player instead of kicking them | in-game recruit

Posted Image Corporal - Rebel

Posted Image Sergeant - 6 Months of being a ACTIVE Rebel

Posted Image Lieutenant - Established Rebel

Posted Image Captain - Exemplary Rebel

Posted Image General - Event Coordinator | Diplomat

Posted Image Admin - Clan Chat Moderator [Awarded to certain trusted Event Coordinator(s) or Diplomat(s)]

Posted Image Organiser - Warlord

Posted Image Coordinator - Council

Posted ImageOverseer - High Council

Posted Image Deputy Owner - Clan Leader

Posted Image Owner - Founder

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