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A Change in CC Ranks


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With recent developments online in CC I'm proposing a new CC Rank Layout, PLEASE I would like suggestions.

Posted Image Recruit - In-game Recruit

Posted Image Corporal - Rebel

Posted Image Sergeant - 6 Months of being a ACTIVE Rebel

Posted Image Lieutenant - 1 year of being a ACTIVE Rebel

Posted Image Captain - Established Rebel

Posted Image General - Exemplary Rebel

Posted Image Admin - Event Coordinator & Diplomat (powers will be modified)

Posted Image Organiser - Clan Chat Moderator

Posted Image Coordinator - Council & Warlord

Posted ImageOverseer - High Council

Posted Image Deputy owner - Clan Leader

Posted Image Owner - Founder

Edited by Anarchy
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A month later, we revisit this idea. Sorry I went off-topic in the original thread.

Established/Exemplary Rebels = Higher post count, right?

So based on the above, having a higher post count more important than length of time in the clan (activity is very important!) ~

I agree with Daniel & Destiny, Mod should have a bit more of a rank, since they need to actually keep the peace

This makes the most sense, in my personal opinion,

Posted Image Recruit - In-game Recruit

Posted Image Corporal - Rebel (Accepted on forums)

Posted Image Sergeant - Established Rebel

Posted Image Lieutenant - Exemplary Rebel

Posted Image Captain - 6 Months of being an ACTIVE Rebel

Posted Image General - 1 year of being an ACTIVE Rebel

Posted Image Admin - Clan Chat Moderator or Event Coordinator & Diplomat (powers will be modified)

Posted Image Organiser - Event Coordinator & Diplomat (powers will be modified) or Clan Chat Moderator

Posted Image Coordinator - Council & Warlord

Posted ImageOverseer - High Council

Posted Image Deputy owner - Clan Leader

Posted Image Owner - Founder/Tcee <3

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A month later, we revisit this idea. Sorry I went off-topic in the original thread.

Established/Exemplary Rebels = Higher post count, right?

So based on the above, having a higher post count more important than length of time in the clan (activity is very important!) ~

Established Rebels = Higher post count (USED TO BE)

The new definition for these ranks are as so

Established Rebels are your oldies of the clan/Demoted Staff also receive this rank.

Exemplary Rebels are members who have donated to TRR Forums

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Here is my new proposition since everyone is complaining -.-

Posted Image Recruit - In-game Recruit

Posted Image Corporal - Rebel

Posted Image Sergeant - 6 Months of being a ACTIVE Rebel

Posted Image Lieutenant - Established Rebel

Posted Image Captain - Exemplary Rebel

Posted Image General - Event Coordinator & Diplomat

Posted Image Admin - Clan Chat Moderator

Posted Image Organiser - Warlord

Posted Image Coordinator - Council

Posted ImageOverseer - High Council

Posted Image Deputy owner - Clan Leader

Posted Image Owner - Founder


Posted Image Recruit - In-game Recruit

Posted Image Corporal - Rebel

Posted Image Sergeant - Established Rebel

Posted Image Lieutenant - Exemplary Rebel

Posted Image Captain - N/A

Posted Image General - Event Coordinator & Diplomat

Posted Image Admin - Clan Chat Moderator

Posted Image Organiser - Warlord

Posted Image Coordinator - Council

Posted ImageOverseer - High Council

Posted Image Deputy owner - Clan Leader

Posted Image Owner - Founder

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erm.. shouldnt it have been discussed between council and what not and then put into effect? i mean.. ranking system is ranking system. tbh, noones gonna be treated any different just because they have a different symbol next to their name. or is this all about abilities in CC? if thats the case, equal abilities? why not?

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the dispute is because, why have a "cc mod" position if event and recruit team have equal abilities in cc. I do believe at times there is a lacking in cc moderation at times, but we can't expect dan to be at it day and night, nor should we look upon council or Con. to be there when Dan's elsewhere. IMO, we should have atleast one more cc mod

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Guys.There is no such thing as a "CC Mod" position. There never has been. There HAVE been retired Council members who are given exemplary rebel and kicking powers.Dan was given kicking powers for one night Jeremy was trolling and no one ever took them off.

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