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The Fastest Ways to Level in Skyrim


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nice guide dude. id never be able to put something like that together.... and i have a question maybe someone can answer... yea.. i have alot of those... what does shadowmere have to do with leveling? sorry im stupid

You can train combat on him. His hp regenerates pretty fast, you won't get in trouble for beating your horse (ikr), and you don't have to actively find enemies to fight.
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  • 2 months later...

I personally prefer the jewelry method for low smithing levels, but once you get to aroung the forties I gives less EXP so I switch over to crafting dwarven bows that are fairly inexpensive to make but sell for a good amount of gold, then once you get even higher you can switch to the next least expensive to make and that should bring you up to 100 eventually

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I've done a tiny bit of research and apparently you get the most xp on the items that sell for more gold on their base. I don't know if it was there before, but you do get a little bit of xp every time you temper something. But i can recommend that after you hit 100, to mass make iron daggers after level 20 due to Banish because you can make like a 30 gold turn into like 1k+ gold.Also I haven't fully tested Jewelery, but Iron Chestplates raise from base smithing about a level per chest. I don't know about Jewelery though as far as it, and Gold, Silver, and all the Gems are rather rare and are expensive to buy.

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  • 5 months later...

You forgot how to level the "Fucking Hookers" skill.


Its not that hard, however the chance to get diseases that lower your other stats is quite high.


First walk down any street at night, the bigger cities have the best variety of hookers to choose from, and thus make for quicker leveling.  You can nail one, and then quickly find another without walking the streets for a couple minutes to secure your next romp.


If you have "Appeal" at 100, you can nail two bitches at once, which will make your leveling twice as fast (duh).


Always go for the hookers that are below age 39, at 40 they turn into MILFs, and give less xp per shag.


Anyway, always buy extra rubber from the general store, and craft "man-sheathes" in order to avoid STDs such as "alchemy crotch" and "smithing penis".  These will lower your stats according to how many bitches you have porked, so if you have porked 50 bitches, be ready to lose some mega stats.


You could however gain "Clap of the runner" which gives you a +10 boost to speed, or "Stinky fingers" which will increase your bow handling by +15.






Add this pls, i worked hard on these stats.

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  • 11 months later...
Guest Vandal

Enchantment is pretty easy to level by as petty/lesser/common soul gems can be bought/stolen/obtained for free from many places. Just keep enchanting any junk you loot or forge and then sell them. Enchanting a set of low value training clothes, ring, amulet, and head gear with fortify in a particular school will can lower the spell costs from half down to zero (at higher enhancement level).


Alteration can be raised to 100 in less than 10 minutes with continous telekenisis, especially if you can cast it continuously using enchanted gear that reduces the cost to zero.


For illusion, spam muffle to get to you level to 50 then use courage/rally on NPCs in in busy area like the Whiterun market place. Takes a bit longer but you can get to 90 in around 15 minutes or so. Once at 90 you can do the stupid book fetch quest to access the master spells such as Harmony. The skill increase for casting Harmony is insane. Casting Harmony in either of the College dorms will hit everyone on both floors (with humorous results). You can go from 90 to 100 in less than a minute.


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  • 1 year later...
Guest Cobra1967

Leveling Sneak and Archery:

Go to High Hrothgar and sneak attack the greybeards when they are praying in the main hall - they cannot be killed and will not attack you.

After shooting a boatload of arrows at them sneak up to them and pickpocket a lot of your arrows back.


Might also work with magic attacks and healing spells - havent tried that yet.


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General Tips


Power-leveling early on in your game can make your life a living hell. Enemies level with you until level 50, meaning if you power-level skills that don't greatly increase your combat effectiveness you can find yourself unable to defeat ANYTHING in a hurry. I personally would advise holding off on power-leveling non-combat skills until high levels, maybe around level 40. Just be careful - being overpowered by even the weakest NPC enemies is a very frustrating ordeal. If you're not sure if your plans to level are too excessive, you should use our help forum for advice.


I recently cheated my way (leveling) within the first hour or two of play with a character i recently created, just to see what would happen. But i didn't want to eliminate all the challenges of gaming either (although i almost did). What i did was (after killing my first dragon) is use console to add 1000 gold ingots to my inventory. Then i went to the blacksmith forge in Whiterun and made myself several hundred  gold necklaces, which brought my smithing up to 100. Then i went up the Dragonsreach, acquired myself an armor enchantment that can be applied to a necklace, console coded a few hundred filled black soul gems, and then proceeded to enchant my necklaces until my enchanting was at 100 as well. After this I leveled up all at once, increasing my health then stamina each time while carefully selecting my perks until i was at about level 28. Then I sold all my unwanted necklaces to the annoying wizard in Dragonsreach and to a few other places around town. So, i ended up damn near invincible and feeling like a real Dragonborn. Surprisingly there are still a couple of enemies i struggle battling with, but not many....  Now this particular Dragonborn concentrates mainly on increasing one handed/archery/sneak/pick-pocketing etc. I'm still playing that character off and on, She's very cool! I think you may have heard of her... The Bitch?


A good thing is that this cheating method was practically glitch free.

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  • 1 month later...
  • 4 months later...
Guest Guest 323

Another good Pickpocket exploit is as follows: During the quest "Blood on the Ice" when you enter Hjierm, you can find a Strange Amulet. If you bring it to the museum of oddities, you can sell it for 1000 Gold and then pickpocket it back for extremely high experience gain and infinite money. I got all the way to 100 Pick Pocket skill in a matter of hours.

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  • 8 months later...
  • 8 months later...
  • 1 month later...
Guest ChaosUndivided

onepolicemen thing you might like to add/change with levelling conjuration and weapon skills simultaneously.. bound weapons raise conjuration while you are using them and the associated weapon skill (1/2 handed and archery) two skills with one use!

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