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My brother always plays my games


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And he earns a bunch of trophies. As a trophy collector, this bothers me because I wanted to get those trophies, considering they're MY games. I tell him he can't play the game anymore, and he just ignores me! What should I do about this? I don't really have a place to hide the games.

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Just tell the fucker to make his own profile? Thought they were free on PS3?

I tried, but he says his Call of Duty "kill death ratio" is more important than my 21 platinums.Not only that, but he disagrees with believing you should be able to delete trophies! If I could do that, this wouldn't be a problem.
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I tried, but he says his Call of Duty "kill death ratio" is more important than my 21 platinums.Not only that, but he disagrees with believing you should be able to delete trophies! If I could do that, this wouldn't be a problem.

why is he bad at COD or something? tell him to grow a pair make a new acc and get the same K/D if hes good at it?
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Does he use your system, too or his own?

If he uses your system, hide the power cable if possible, lol.

Do you use a pass to sign in/Does it save your pass? Is there any way to make his own profile and start from scratch? Or like on a diff memory card? Can you keep your memory card on you? (already answered above)

Or, get a lock on your door.

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Go to your local 7/11 on a Friday night. Walk up to the cashier and say "There are 5 clowns in my neighbors closet but none of them can spare me a spare tire." After saying this, immediately proceed to take off your shirt and grind the front desk. If done correctly, the cashier will hand you a cigar box, a yellow envelope, and a picture of John Travolta buying a rubber chicken at the Dollar Tree. Make sure to keep all of these items.

After obtaining these items, not the next Sunday but the one after that, head to your 2nd closest Wal-Mart. Make sure to borrow a truck to drive there. Pull up to the front doors in the truck and say "¿Quién quiere hacer algo de dinero fácil?" If done correctly, at least 10 Mexicans will hop in the back of your truck. Chances are they will be carrying tools with them. If not, they know a guy with tools. They always do.

Simply drive them to your house and tell them to get to work. They will know what to do. Now with this kind of activity, your brother will want to know what you are building. He might ask directly, in which case you just say "My parents or something man, I don't know. Wanna get high?" That'll make him leave. If he starts sneaking around though, leave the picture of John Travolta out in the open for them to take. Then pretend to be deeply upset at its disppearance. This may satisfy his need to make you miserable for now. Or it'll confuse the hell out of him. Either way it'll give the Mexicans enough time to finish the tomb.

In about a weeks time, the tomb will be complete. You may be shocked, but Mexicans are actually really fast builders if you let them play their music as loud as they want. After it is complete, locate the "Head Mexican". Now you may ask, which one is the Head Mexican. Which one can speak the best English? That is the Head Mexican. Anyway, give the Head Mexican the envelope. Also, don't look inside the envelope. If you do, immediately call 252-702-5530, and lay down with your belly to the floor and your hands behind your back. We'll come to extract you in 20 minutes.

Once he has the envelope, the "Head Mexican" will convince the other 9+ Mexicans to be crypt keepers of the newly built tomb. They may fight, but he's the Head Mexican. He'll settle all of this for what is inside the envelope. As crpyt keepers, the Mexicans are immortal. Simpy hide your games in the cigar box and put the cigar box in the tomb.


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I think I'll follow Blex's advice.On a more serious note, thanks for all your suggestions. My brother and I have reached an understanding, and although I was rooked in the deal, there's no reason to argue with him anymore.The deal, by the way, was allowing me to finish my Master Quest playthrough on his 3DS in exchange for him allowing to play my games, but he's not allowed to directly go for trophies.

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