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War Priest Build?

Master Vamp


So I started this build with my argonian(goin well) and I was thinking to my self "hey how can I take this to te next level." then I was like WOAH so this is what came to mind. Imperial/Breton/Altmer. 1h (mace) restoration in other. Have a mages hood on head and wear light or heavy armor. Get a tank for a partner (Uthgerd the Unbroken is great early on and has godly strength+ I think her health regens faster.) anyways... Enchant your armor for restoration and 1h bonuses<-- just an IdeA. Your constant ability to heal yourself(and others) keeps you and your team alive and maces (tho slow) can ignore armor and typically knock back more often and for longer(I think) Alternative: have a conjurer as a partner and have atronachs fight 4 u. Alternative 2: Add illusion buffs an be purely support. Just tossin around ideas let me know what you think!

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Interesting ideas. I'd try them out; you should report back here with a thread detailing how the build goes. :)As far as the 1H bonuses, I think you'd be better off with a different enchantment - possibly fortify conjuration? If you get 0 conjuration AND restoriation cost, you'll be able to dead thrall two NPC's and then have 3+ followers, since you can dead thrall Master Conjurer NPC's who will in turn summon more.

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Interesting ideas. I'd try them out; you should report back here with a thread detailing how the build goes. :)As far as the 1H bonuses, I think you'd be better off with a different enchantment - possibly fortify conjuration? If you get 0 conjuration AND restoriation cost, you'll be able to dead thrall two NPC's and then have 3+ followers, since you can dead thrall Master Conjurer NPC's who will in turn summon more.

That's good:0 lol just conjuring defeats the priestly role-playing dealio. And I usually forget to conjure things:/ can't wait till I get glass maces-.-
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Yeah, maybe. Depends if you're against leveling conjuration period. It would go well with what you said here:

Alternative: have a conjurer as a partner and have atronachs fight 4 u.

Conjuration doesn't have to defeat it, you just have to summon/dead thrall things once and then they'll follow you around for the rest of the game and you can do whatever you want after that.
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Yeah, maybe. Depends if you're against leveling conjuration period. It would go well with what you said here:Conjuration doesn't have to defeat it, you just have to summon/dead thrall things once and then they'll follow you around for the rest of the game and you can do whatever you want after that.

That's true but u gotta raise cunjuration which is tedious as is training almost any magic school:/ I've done it but it's time consuming
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Not if you use enchanted armor for the zero magicka cost. :) That would play right into your restoration anyways since it would be literally unlimited.I look at it like this - every build should level enchanting and smithing as much as possible unless it's specifically against your character's role-playing. After those two things are at 100, all of the magic skills take <20mins to max with the exception of alchemy.

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Not if you use enchanted armor for the zero magicka cost. :) That would play right into your restoration anyways since it would be literally unlimited.True true... Can't I just smith iron dangers and enchant em?I look at it like this - every build should level enchanting and smithing as much as possible unless it's specifically against your character's role-playing. After those two things are at 100, all of the magic skills take <20mins to max with the exception of alchemy.

Idk y my iPhone keeps doing that>.> but can't I just smith iron daggers and enchant them to raise smithing and enchantment?
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Yep, that's it in a nutshell. We have a detailed guide on leveling smithing and enchanting here. You don't have to do everything in that guide. But by maxing smithing and enchantment you open two things to your specific priest build.

    [*]Unlimited magicka pools for two schools at a time.

      [*]Leads to ridiculously fast training for all magic skills.

    [*]Ability to create powerful weapons/armor.

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Guest Tightclipse101

I'm working with a priest build myself. I call it a shield priest and he's very focused on defense and buffing allies. I use a shield in one hand and alteration, illusion (rally, courage), restoration, and fire spells (only used for long fights). He is a Breton( best for defensive mages IMO) and I'm working on getting his magic resists up with all the perks available in alteration and block. I shield bash when enemies get close and to give me time to switch spells. Since I'm going for a "good guy" theme conjugation is out :P. it seems to be a very fun build so far. Let me know what you guys think!

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I understand why you would not do the zombie aspect of Conjuration, but I always figured summoning atronachs was morally permissible; by Skyrim standards anyway.Well good luck with the build. I agree a Breton would be the ideal race for this.

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Guest Tightclipse101

So I'm reporting in on my shield priest build and man is it awesome! At level 43 I picked up Argis the Bulwark and outfitted him with double enchanted dragon bone armor.... He owns anything that gets near him on master difficulty. I'm immune to all magic and run around with about 400ish armor with ebonyskin and my shield (spellbreaker)! You guys should try it out!

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So I'm reporting in on my shield priest build and man is it awesome! At level 43 I picked up Argis the Bulwark and outfitted him with double enchanted dragon bone armor.... He owns anything that gets near him on master difficulty. I'm immune to all magic and run around with about 400ish armor with ebonyskin and my shield (spellbreaker)! You guys should try it out!

I'm sure a lot of people would be interested in some more details on your build. You should create an account and start a new thread in the Skyrim General Discussion forum with more info such as your perks and what-not. :)It's good to know it's going well.
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