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Assassins Creed: Rebecca - Lesbian or Shaun's Lover?


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Rebecca Crane. With a deep, raspy voice, short hair, baggy pants, and a love for electronics, you're probably sitting in front of the computer thinking "butch lesbian." But is she? Let's look at some of her emails...Rebecca, to everyone

Hey guys,I can't find my mp3 player- the little black one. Let me know if you see it. (I have trouble sleeping without my tunes)r3b3cca

Shaun, to Rebecca

Found it.S.

Rebecca, to Shaun

Thanks for the hand off earlier! Where was it?

Shaun, to Rebecca

My nightstand.

It's hard to tell if he's serious or being his usual sarcastic/jackass/hilarious self. They have sleeping bags on the floor; no one has a night stand.
Shaun, to Rebecca *talking about some dinner thing Desmond and Lucy couldn't go to*

*sigh*Looks like just the two of us, Rebecca.

Rebecca, to Shaun

WOOT a date with Shaun!!!r3b3cca

Again, a hint of something more, or a tragic abandonment of friends?
Shaun, to Rebecca

I found some really good beats the other day. Want to come to mine for a listen when you get off watch?S.

Rebecca, to Shaun


Oh snap. Again, though, it insinuates they have their own rooms while they only have sleeping bags.Speaking of those sleeping bags, Desmond's is off by itself... Lucy's is PRESUMABLY the one off by the computers. There's two remaining right next to eachother. Whose could they be?!
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