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Fox Nation on "Obama For Gay Marriage"


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So Fox Nation got a little eccentric with Obama's recent endorsement for gay marriage.

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They changed the header hours later after receiving a fair amount of criticism.

Punchline: I didn't know Obama's sandals were such avid supporters for gay marriage.

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@Traag. Too bad there are actually people who take what they seriously and can not seem to understand or enjoy the humor we see in them.

@ Topic, Argument of most people is that gay marriage is insulting of the sanctity of marriage, to that I say get rid of divorces. They say the marriage of same-sexed couples goes against what god had intended, to that maybe the old phrase "Separation of Church and State" seems to become forgotten.

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My view is that if they are not hurting anyone(asides from themselves, blex understands), and they consciously made the decision to become wed to one another then why not let them? Why are people being so overly concerned with the affairs and personal business of people they know absolutely nothing about. Its not as if the American Gov actually continued their research on the "Gay Bomb" and are gonna drop it on us, Why do people treat homosexuality as a contagion and seek its destruction is the question I ask. As long as they do what they do and don't try to get me involved and don't hurt nobody then their business is their business. To this I point people get married everyday and then divorce later on, "Till death due us part" meaning nothing anymore. This to me has become more or less like interracial marriage was years ago, and now who cares aside from cheeky and other racist fuckers.

This has been a rant.

The picture was unrrelated but at some part after seeing it you probably began reading to yourself in his voice if you actually did continue reading. Donkey punch.

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It really comes down to whether or not you view marriage as a religious construct or one based on society. If the religious entities that rely on marriage oppose same-sex marriage, it is seen has heavy-handed to force the acceptance of something that violates their religious code. The same can be said for those that want same-sex marriage in that they're denied something that is recognized by the state. Honestly, the most compromising thing I've heard involves doing away with "marriage" in the eyes of the government (don't eliminate it as a ceremony/religious significance/etc) and just stick completely with Civil Unions, which everyone already has access to and is essentially the same thing in all but word. People can go to church to "marry" in the traditional religious sense if they so desire and then call their civil union whatever the hell they want.Of course this all would eventually come back around and people would be pissed when same-sex couples called their civil union "marriage," but every solution is going to end up with that. No one will give a damn 50 years from now anyways.

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But how can you follow something as contradicting as the bible?

It's not about the Bible. It's a religious and moral principle followed by an entire spectrum of religions not even counting Christianity.Also, the whole attack on the Bible as a analogy to attacking the core of religion is stupid. 99% of Christians don't take the Bible literally, and those that constantly attack it don't understand its place in the religion anyways. The book is not believed to be literally written by God, nor is it the be-all-end all of most Christian religion outlooks (though some religions do take it literally, I'm talking about the general population). It's a book that's thousands of years old that features the writing of people from thousands of years ago who tried to teach morality from their beliefs and recount the history of the time through the only medium they could. Take it for what it is.
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On an unrelated note, one of the funniest comments on that story that was meant to be serious was..."Obama only did this to get votes from the gay community"1. I doubt the gay community was a game changer in any election2. The amount of votes he probably lost by backing up gay marriage doesn't make up for any gained gay votes.3. Who were the gay community planning to vote for? Romney?4. Everybody knows gays don't vote

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On an unrelated note, one of the funniest comments on that story that was meant to be serious was..."Obama only did this to get votes from the gay community"1. I doubt the gay community was a game changer in any election2. The amount of votes he probably lost by backing up gay marriage doesn't make up for any gained gay votes.3. Who were the gay community planning to vote for? Romney?4. Everybody knows gays don't vote

1. It's a significant block of voters. There's actually a lot of money behind the movement as well.2. Hard to say, since people who are against it are probably Republican regardless.3. It's more to appease his own party and secure money/support. People who are against gay marriage weren't going to lobby for a Democrat anyways.4. There is about a billion times more enthusiasm behind the Gay Marriage movement than there is for the movement opposing it. People have largely come to accept it or written it off as something that's going to happen eventually regardless. There's a loud, vocal minority for sure (see Westboro Baptists), but the majority of people don't care nearly as much.It's all just another pointless issue that the parties drum up themselves to "differentiate" their platform... When it comes right down to it, the Republicans and Democrats are identical when it comes to running the country sans the 3-4 fake problems they debate and run on.
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  • 2 weeks later...


[*]rage again

[*]post bill hicks video

[*]rage a third time

[*]post another bill hicks video

[*]make simpsons reference

[*]"i don't want to live on this planet anymore"

[*]rage a fourth time

[*]throw house party to celebrate rage

[*]rage a fifth time

Pretty much how Jeremy replies to all topics.
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