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The Avengers: Cameos and Hints of Upcoming Movies


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Originally, this was gonna be a blog post. But screw that. I need this to be seen and I'm hoping posting it as a topic will attract more attention. Unlike my first Conspiracy Theory, this one isn't about Runescape. Also, this one is really serious and not at all like my last. Lastly, I'm sorry I couldn't make due on my promised Conspiracy Theory. As interested as we are as to why Ice Mountain looks like a penis, that one will have to wait. Seriously though, I miss that topic. :( But I digress. Here is the totally serious topic.


What you may not know, I'm a bit of a film/super hero buff/nerd. Not the over annoying kind that knows entirely too much, but the casual kind that enjoys a decent super hero movie. When the Avengers came out, you can imagine my delight when I actually went to see it. Not the best movie ever, but really exciting and a good 2 AND A HALF HOURS. Way too long, am I right?

So during my Statistics exam, I had an epiphany on the subject. Note, this topic contains spoilers about multiple movies, even ones that came out years ago. Now, allow me to take you back in time, to all the movies leading up to The Avengers.

First up is Iron Man. First movie in the Iron man trilogy. Well, it will be a trilogy in 2013. So, I stayed in the theater after the credits and was treated to this scene. Sorry about the quality. The guy on Youtube must of used his potato to film this.


OH MY GOD THEY ARE GONNA MAKE AN AVENGERS MOVIE! So I figured this would come out a year or so later, but in hindsight, that was stupid thinking. Why release movie when you can build up so much hype.

And that is what they did when they released The Incredible Hulk. Now, I haven't seen this movie, mainly because I heard it was awful. But I was happy to find out it too featured an Avenger teaser scene, this time right before the credits. Probably cause only losers wait for credits. Here is the scene. Now, I'm very very sorry, but this is the only video I can find. It is the same exact scene, just the guy did it with Legos. And no, Spiderman wasn't in the scene. If you are confused, Tony Stark (Iron Man) talks to some military guy about recruiting the Hulk.


So obviously, the Avengers is on their way. And to make the fact more obvious, Iron Man 2 hinted it at it all the time. After the credits were done rolling, we were again treated to a scene.


While not a teaser for The Avengers per say, it hinted at the Thor movie that would come out.

And a year or so later it did. And as usual, I stuck around for the scene. This scene was a bit of a double whammy. Also, video is fuzzy because it was in 3D. PUT ON 3D GLASSES NOW!


So that cube hinted and played a huge role at a Captain America movie. Also, you find out Loki is still alive, so that brings him in as The Avengers villain.

And finally, my favorite, Captain America. Same routine, I hang out a little while longer, ushers are telling me to get the hell out so they can sweep my popcorn, but I was adamant I was! Anyway, here it is. And yes, they decided to squeeze in a trailer after the credits, those bastards.


So there you go. They hide these scenes, builds up Avenger hype for 4 years and makes this movie. BUT The Avengers also has an after credits scene that hints at a sequel. Sadly, Youtube only has "parodies", which is actually stupid joke videos. Basically, the aliens claim the humans are stronger than they thought they were and recruit the next villain, Thanos. If you don't know who that is, I don't blame you as neither did I.

So what? What was the point of all of this? Well I'll explain it all in one smallish paragraph.

Originally, Spiderman was a member of The Avengers, but he didn't make the cut. However, there is going to be a new Spiderman movie coming up called The Amazing Spider Man. While it doesn't feature a red head Mary Jane (sad faice), it will a have a revamped Spider Man and a new actor. As I've already showed you, Marvel Studios have a history of putting teasers after the credits. So why simply make a sequel to The Avengers when you can hype it up by introducing fucking Spider Man. So, there you go. Spider Man to be in the next Avengers movie. You heard it here first kids.

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I don't even follow the comic-based movies and knew Spider-Man was going to be in the next Avengers.My opinion: the "Avengers" would be better without retarded superheroes no one likes such as the Hulk and Thor. It would be better without a marksman carrying around a fucking bow with arrows in the year 2020. Basically, it would be better if it was Iron Man 2.5.I have enough imagination for Iron Man, Spider-Man, Batman, etc... in their own universes. I lose track when they combine 6+ super-heroes into an orgy created solely to get off the forever alone comic-con nerds living in their parents basement.If you read this far, bravo. I'm actually just mad my friends went to the movie already and didn't take me.But seriously, the Hulk and Thor suck.

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Nobody likes The Hulk. I mean, three different actors played him between the 2003 film, the 2008 film, and The Avengers. Thor I didn't mind though. And I thought Hawkeye was pretty cool, but I get your point with the whole arrow thing. And yeah you could guess it, BUT I BROUGHT IT ALL TOGETHER.Also, I don't mind teams, but Captain America, Iron Man, Thor, Hulk, Black Widow, and Hawkeye is pushing it. And if they add Spider Man, I can see how that'd be confusing.But Scarlet Johannson has boobs. Who cares?

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Isn't the geezer in the teaser at the end the crimson skull or some shit? In the avengers

I'm pretty certain it's Thanos. I really wish I could find a Youtube video for it.


I'm also outraged. Sadly, the Oracle refused to cooperate with the studies. Also, I'm extremely homophobic.
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The Hulk is my favorite if you follow his original comic stories, however the movies they made of him suck giant hairy monkey balls, cept the second one( only because of the action scenes ha).I wish they actually made their(all marvel movies) movies more true to their origins in the comic books.The spiderman movies made peterparker a joke imo. Which is why I am looking forward to the new one.Thanos as the villian for the next avengers will be badass( i hope).

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The Hulk is my favorite if you follow his original comic stories, however the movies they made of him suck giant hairy monkey balls, cept the second one( only because of the action scenes ha).I wish they actually made their(all marvel movies) movies more true to their origins in the comic books.

My number one problem with the Hulk is his shorts stay on when he transforms. I can't be the only one that wants to see Hulk penis.And to an extent, I'm kind of glad the movies don't follow the comic books strictly.
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