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companion lost

Guest jammer


Guest jammer
I had some girl following me and helping, she was killed and now i cant get anyone else to follow me. everytime i try to hire someone or something they say i already have some one following me. i even went back threw two levels to try to find the body but no luck. how do i fix this?
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The safest bet i could say for you would be to go back to a save were she was alive and disband with her. Other than that, I can't really think of anything because if she is dead, and it's been several days, the corpse will disappear. Let me know if you are able to fix it and I might go research this more to help you out.good luck!

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Another fix that I found is trying to get your companion to join The Blades. This requires you to do The Blades "special assignment" (spoilers withheld) but from what I know, it fixes a lot of the companion problems. Note that you'll never see this companion, so your Blades team will be short a man, not that that really matters. Also, you can only do this fix three times, but what are the chances you will have this problem 2 more times?

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