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Getting to know each other!


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Hey there Rebelz!

It has been a while since most of us wrote our introduction on the forums and therefore I really know most of you guys only by your forum or ingame name.

I think it would be cool to know stuff about each other, spam will be deleted.

Please answer the questions, dont feel forced to fill in everything Posted Image

Runescape name:

Real life name:


Are TRR members allowed to add you?:






Favorite athletes:

Favorite sports club:

# Years you have been playing RS:

Time you've been in TRR:

What you usually do when playing RS:

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Runescape name: Huygenssauce

Real life name: Lion

Facebookpage: http://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=1017797647

Are TRR members allowed to add you?: Only if you dont send me RS-related shit, none of my friends know I play and I want to keep it that way.

Age: 20

Country+timezone: The Netherlands, GMT+1

School/University/Work: University, majoring in Biology, want to be a Biology teacher some day

Hobbies: Music, gaming (RS, total war franchise, call of duty), going out

Sports: Going to the gym, just recently quit karate because I couldnt mix it with college

Favorite athletes: George St. Pierre (MMA-fighter), Muhammed Ali (boxer), Matsui (karate fighter), Semmy Schilt (karate fighter/ k1), Alistair Overeem (MMA/kickboxing)

Favorite sports club: AFC Ajax, Bayern München, Barcelona

# Years you have been playing RS: I think it's 7

Time you've been in TRR: 2-3 years

What you usually do when playing RS: Combat or money related stuff; usually slayer

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Guess I'll post mine up :)Real life name: Brad (funnily enough lol)Facebookpage: Don't use it but my XBL is xPocoAre TRR members allowed to add you?: Yes Age: 19 next month :oCountry+timezone: United Kingdom, GMTSchool/University/Work: I work for Siemens industrial gas turbines Lincoln and I mark out the casings ready to be machined :)Hobbies: Gaming, Golf, Graphic DesignSports: Golf, FootballFavorite athletes: Sir Bobby Robson inspiration to us all :)Favorite sports club: Scunthorpe United FC# Years you have been playing RS: 8 yearsTime you've been in TRR: I was only in TRR for 6ish months, now I'm a close clan friend :) (left because I play rs for warring)What you usually do when playing RS: PKRI's, w50 warring, RCW's, Playoffs, Skilling and the occasional Boss Hunt :)

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Runescape name: Coo1Run (formerly ohojee_11)Real life name: DavidFacebookpage: (lolfb; I don't use this as often as I should ._.) http://www.facebook.com/david.nacesAre TRR members allowed to add you?: No problem, but I rarely use it as stated above. IM's ftw. :>Age: 19Country+timezone: Canada (GMT -5)School/University/Work: Electrical engineering starting this fall.Hobbies: Gaming (rhythm gaming, shooters, MMOs, you name it), Running, Anime.Sports: Aside from running, I don't play sports. Laaaaazinesssss.# Years you have been playing RS: Around 8 yearsTime you've been in TRR: 2-3 weeks (though I have been here during the 2009 era but haven't played an active role in the community at the time)What you usually do when playing RS: Anything really. I tend to get bored from doing a particular activity for a long period of time.

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Runescape name: EricBloodaxeReal life name: Bård (pronounced like boar)Facebookpage: Are TRR members allowed to add you?: Yeah... But then you have to find me!Age: 16Country+timezone: Norway, GMT +1School/University/Work: Entrepreneurship with focus on General Studies, I think my English teacher called it :S That's the course I'm taking.Hobbies:GamingSports: Just goes to the gym, can't be bothered with a proper sport. I went on Taekwon-do for quite a few years though.Favorite athletes: Petter Northug and Marit Bjørgen. Because they always win.# Years you have been playing RS: About 7Time you've been in TRR: I joined sometime last year, but didn't really become active before february this year. But I was quite active in LoL, and many people in TRR are from LoL, though I see most of them have left TRR again...What you usually do when playing RS: Lately, slayer.

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Runescape name: CruelintakezReal life name: JamieFacebookpage: http://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=1265147791Are TRR members allowed to add you?: Of courseAge: 23Country+timezone: USA, Louisiana, CentralSchool/University/Work: McNeese State University, Criminal Justice & PsychologyHobbies: Billiards, writing, horses, guns, working out, etc.Sports: Basketball, softball, golfFavorite alcoholic beverage: JaegerFavorite energy drink: RED BULL baby# Years you have been playing RS: 7+Time you've been in TRR: 3-4What you usually do when playing RS: Quest, FARM, Run events for TRR

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Runescape name: BlexunReal life name: BlakeFacebookpage: http://www.facebook....176890359032890Are TRR members allowed to add you?: SureAge: 1993 (19 if you are reading this as of May 28th 2012)Country+timezone: 'MURICA EasternSchool/University/Work: North Carolina State UniversityHobbies: Internet, Games, Outdoor stuff, Working out, Hanging with friends, Kidnapping and corrupting children to forward my own evil agenda, CrochetingSports:Soccer is the only thing I play for real. I'll play baseball for fun. And who doesn't enjoy kickball and dodgeball.Favorite athletes: The hot onesFavorite sports club: The Ching Chong Ping Pong Sing Along# Years you have been playing RS: Since Easter of 08, so about 4 years.Time you've been in TRR: Since April 1st of 09, so over 3 years. (god help me)What you usually do when playing RS: Talking to friends, Making money, Doing fun crap for no real reason

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Nice thread, its fun getting to know everyone without searching through 3243587 intros :bRunescape name: TC StormbornReal life name: TCFacebookpage: Clicky!Are TRR members allowed to add you?: I don't add people I don't know in person, sorry! <3Age: 20Country+timezone: US, PacificSchool/University/Work: TargetHobbies: Hanging with friends, movies, cruise the mall, play pool, spend time with my pups, swimSports: Whichever sport season it is I can get into it, mostly footballFavorite athletes: Ones that play the game and make it interesting# Years you have been playing RS: Hard to calculate, but I'm a Classic Vet. 'Nuff said ;]Time you've been in TRR: Not very long at all! Member Since 24 Apr 2012What you usually do when playing RS: Daily stuff, feed my baby raccoon, try to decide on a minigame to play

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Runescape name: atm, yak 3pt14159

Real life name: as if i'm going to tell you


Are TRR members allowed to add you?:sure

Age: w/e it says on the page

Country+timezone: est-5

School/University/Work: gt in the fall

Hobbies: stuff

Sports: soccer, bball

Favorite athletes: meh

Favorite sports club: meh

# Years you have been playing RS: too long

Time you've been in TRR: see above

What you usually do when playing RS: kill things, goal = 95 prayer atm

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Runescape name: Apollyon3x6Real life name:Facebookpage: http://www.facebook....114180135330374Are TRR members allowed to add you?: SureAge: A= Age, b=2. 6(A/2)+b^2 ≥ 30b+132Country+timezone: USA EasternSchool/University/Work: Offloader for a German owned Tier 1 Auto parts Manufacturing company.Hobbies: Trap and capture cute fury animals, Bisect said animals, hide carcass in neighbors yard to attract turkey buzzards.Sports: Mixed Martial ArtsFavorite athletes: Shogun, Rampage, Pacquiao, Kevin Garnet,Favorite sports club: Whichever kills time# Years you have been playing RS: Just in time for Christmas CrackersTime you've been in TRR: October 2010 to presentWhat you usually do when playing RS: Find ways to disturb, troll, annoy, induce loling and engage conversations with whoever is in cc, mainly jamie.Favorite Alcoholic Beverage: Red HorseFavorite Food: Fried Baby Milkfish, Blood Stew, Deep-Fried Calf BrainFavorite Music: Original Linkin ParkFavorite Song: Hey JudeFavorite Saying: The greatest trick the devil has ever pulled was making the world believe he doesn't exist.Words to live by: Hakuna MatataBelieved Cause/Causes Of Demented Personality: Around the age of 1-2 I sat on a wall 6ft high, leaned back and fell, Taught early in preparation of live animals for meal: learned best way to kill, drain the blood, gut and skin them., Grew up with two older brothers who would always bring home girls and was exposed to sex early on, repeated head trauma while growing up: I now have a very hard head that I can break planks of wood with easily. Too many more possible reasons to list.Target: Unseen/unknown/unheard of Domination of life.

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Are TRR members allowed to add you?: no, cause girls and facebook was no bueno. and well, i can live without facebook.

Country+timezone: god bless America, 518

School/University/Work: too cool for school. working

Hobbies: outdoors-y stuff. blowing stuff up... and lifting and ff

Sports: watching- soccer

Favorite athletes: shakira<3? cmon, dancing like that... fuck you if you disagree

What you usually do when playing RS: do shit aimlessly while realizing i could/should be being productive in the real world..

I think this is the start of a beautiful friendship.
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Runescape name:Goreblaster (someone plz send clan invite =( )Real life name:MattFacebookpage:ewwwAre TRR members allowed to add you?:Age:20Country+timezone:America (central)School/University/Work:not in school atm. work for recycling companyHobbies:Being fatherSports:soccerFavorite athletes:noneFavorite sports club:none# Years you have been playing RS:5+Time you've been in TRR:2 daysWhat you usually do when playing RS:level everything but combat. aiming to be highest skill leveled noobie =)

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Runescape name:xboxyoyo/xbox nab/boxicles/mafop/thundermoleReal life name:james matteson jrFacebookpage:just look for james matteson jrAre TRR members allowed to add you?:yes alwaysAge:23Country+timezone:use easternSchool/University/Work:orange city nursing and rehabHobbies:stuffSports:noFavorite athletes:noneFavorite sports club:none# Years you have been playing RS:more then i can countTime you've been in TRR:unsure never kept trackWhat you usually do when playing RS:skilling chatting randon talking

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Runescape name: Resurr3ctionReal life name: AndrewFacebookpage: http://www.facebook.com/andrewhcAre TRR members allowed to add you?: I suppose, but please be descrete about what my personal life is, its not that im ashamed or anything, its just my personal life, so i keep things to myself. Also Identify yourself if you add meAge:20Country+timezone:Canada, Atlantic standard timeSchool/University/Work:James M Hill Memorial Highschool/Miramichi Community college (Electrical)Hobbies: Runescape, Drinking, Spending time with the girlfriendSports: I play none competively, but enjoy watching :Boxing, Football, Baseball, Hockey, Golf# Years you have been playing RS: 7-8 yearsTime you've been in TRR: since 2008, but was inactive for quite a whileWhat you usually do when playing RS: Firemaking

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