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Alright guys, something has to give, our clan activity is just poor right now. And tbh I don't know what to do to help out or fix it. And our new diplomat, that's supposed to be recruiting, I've yet to see him even log on RS. And our warlord, who I spoke to days ago and said she would be making clan wars practices never showed up and hardly logs in either. I think we have a lot we need to work on, but not many making efforts to do the work. Comon guys, let's pull it together, and get things back on track.
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I've been planning a Recruitment Campaign for a while, I had to cancel 2 days cause there were a lack of people online and due to being busyhttp://eldersouls.com/topic/1666-recruiting-campaign/As for brain IDK what happened to him :/ I know he was on the forum on the 9thAs for Holly I really don't know....hopefully Drags comes back and helps out

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I don't feel it's right that we have people that are ranked, that are doing nothing. This has always been a problem in TRR, not sure why. As for the recruitment campaign, if you need help you can tell me what your plans are and maybe I can be of some assistance.
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Activity slumps come and go. To be honest, the activity is still higher than what it was before the conversion, but that's not the point.I haven't seen this "Brain" (Brian*?) besides like one day of activity, when he applied. The problem is, few of the promoted Council members are doing much - sure, they are well active but that's the job of a regular member, a Council member needs to step up and introduce new ideas to the clan, primarily to increase activity.I know I haven't been very active in any way lately, but I'm really busy with real life atm, I just don't have as much time to run a clan as I used to, especially when I have no interest in the game.

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