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get remarried xbox 360

Guest Nate



I have an xbox 360. I married a woman named Camilla from the town of riverwood. But as I was stroling through Shor's stone, I met a very beautiful woman named Sylgia. I would much rather be married to Sylgia than Camilla. Is there any way that I can get remarried?

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Yep, as ThatsWhat said, you are unable to get married again after marrying once - you can only get married ONE time in the game. This stands even if your wife dies.If you're interested, you might want to read our marriage guide for more information.______You should consider creating an account here. It comes with several benefits, and also makes it much easier for you to post questions and answers. It's completely free!

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That's not true. You can remarry if your wife dies - you just have to wait. A courier will show up, offer his sympathies and some coin - then you're free to marry again.There's also a way to do this on PC using a code typed into the console, but I don't use a PC so you can just google it if need be. Sad the only way to remarry is to off your wife but apparently people don't mind doing it. I want to remarry but I don't want to kill my wife, Ria. I'm a loyal Companion! But I'm not sharing a room with her and three roommates! :P

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It would be fun if you could remarry and have the new wife move in the same town like in the fable games , I had two wives and moved them in side by side in bowerstone and would come home and they would be fighting over me that would be great to see in this game or future elder scroll's games (wink , wink )

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Guest Karmillia Wolf

I heard somewhere that is you either drop or sell your marriage ring it will allow you to re-equip the amulet of maura and get the same results as when you wernt married.but i havent tried it personally so idk for sure.

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I've searched and can't seem to find any actual way to remarry on the consoles. You can however use the console commands for the pc to remarry.


removefac 51596player.removefac C6472resetquest 74793resetquest 21382setstage 74793 10

Then wait 24 hours. You should be able to remarry.For everyone playing the Xbox and PS3 versions you are most likely out of luck. Unless you can somehow get to the console commands.
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Guest PanicCard063

this really sucks i feel like i a being jiffed a 100 gold a day. I married Balimund (yes i am a girl gamer get the shock out of the way!) and moved to Lakeview Manor where a dragon killed him. A few days later courier came, and I dropped the ring. It has been roughly an in game month and there are no taker even if i wear the amulet. Will there be a fix anytime? Can you make a DLC like Dawngaurd except to fix the bugs like this? PLEASE?

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  On 10/23/2012 at 3:05 AM, 'PanicCard063 said:

this really sucks i feel like i a being jiffed a 100 gold a day. I married Balimund (yes i am a girl gamer get the shock out of the way!) and moved to Lakeview Manor where a dragon killed him. A few days later courier came, and I dropped the ring. It has been roughly an in game month and there are no taker even if i wear the amulet. Will there be a fix anytime? Can you make a DLC like Dawngaurd except to fix the bugs like this? PLEASE?

It's not a bug, so there's a very, very small chance of this ever being changed. You're only supposed to be married once.
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Guest werewolftime

It is possible to get married again because on youtube if you watch thetexv vids, he was married to the darkelf in right one then later on in his vids on the same charecter he manged to to marry the girl from shores stone I'm not saying the names there's a chance ill spell them wrong

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