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TRR Skilling Olympics


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Lol, we tried to do the Annual Winter Olympics a while back... by that I mean the sign ups, the competition didn't happen. With the removal of the F2P hiscores and lack of activity, it made it impossible I guess.But hey, worth a shot. Is this going to be the actual big Olympics or just some "skilling weeks"? I remember them. :P

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The lack of F2P scores is definitely a problem, but this is something that I'd really like to see even if it's P2P-only. I won't be able to compete, though.OT: Oh, and we still need January (and nearly Feb) members of the month. That should still continue. We can't just stop a 2+ year old tradition. You can award yourself the MotY as well, I withdraw.

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You guys still want to see this happen, I could probably set something up.

Maybe a poll to see who thinks it's a good/bad idea? I'm kinda neutral to the idea - would say yes if damn Jagex didn't remove the F2P hiscores.OR - we could bring back those "Skilling Weeks", they generally went well. Would be easy to host the P2P skills too.
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Just don't do it for F2P. Make it a P2P only event, but invite other clans to participate. Make the official tracking thread on our forums (and don't post it on the others) so we'll get more site exposure and traffic and it will help our name get out more.You can then track individually and as different clans. The rewards would be bragging rights, or you could have an entrance fee.Of course Subsistence did this less than a month ago, so meh.

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