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Your favorite leader; Ulfric, or Tullius


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Well, Tullias does have the more stylish uniform, mostly because it's an actual uniform... Ulfric makes his outfit look badass, whether or not you look fat in it shouldn't matter, any decent human being, in my opinion, wouldn't kill Ulfric Stormcloak.


It's not a pole because when I made this I was a stupid kid, and now I have to re-edit everything so I don't come off as some sort of down syndrome reject.

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I'm assuming that's only if you choose to be with the Legion? I always lean towards the Cloaks, but that may change my mind since I don't really care either way.Oh, and instead of posting multiple times in a row, you can use the "Edit" button at the bottom of every post. It allows you to add additional information if you forgot anything. Otherwise Mods will usually just merge them together. :)

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First off, I'd like to say my opinion is unbiased, i see the point on both sides.Who's the better leader ?.... hard to say really, whichever side you go with, acts with better military intelligence & doctrine, regardless of your actions. I understand Jarl Ulfrics point about wishing to worship Talos freely, being betrayed in the Markarth Incident, that would anger me as well. Jarl Ulfric didn't murder the high king, he DID challenge High King Tyragg to one on one combat, High King Tyragg didn't stand a chance but accepted and fought to the death, respectable, but foolish. Jarl Ulfric killed him to make his cause known, attract attention and rally a formidable force to his cause. I commend Jarl Ulfric for fighting for what he beleives in, but he's more of a coward than his subjects would like to beleive, also, the stormcloaks are by NO means racists nor bigots. There are a few, but thats just realistic, do any of you think that if they were a "nord-only" society that you could join the rebellion if your an alien to their land? No.. you also have to prove your loyalty (like on both sides) and leave your criminal past behind you (Jarl Ulfric wishes for a lawful, strengthed Skyrim, Honrable yes) and fight with valor in your steel, and truth in your hearts. And another point, if YOU were in Jarl Ulfrics shoes, and you were called a "racist" and beleived that argonians, mer, etc were REALLY spies, would YOU let them reside and open business in your city ? likely not. Personally, I respect both men, but Ulfric is arrogant and selfish, but a damn good military commander, along with Galmar Stone-Fist anyways, Jarl Ulfric consults all he can on the war. I call Jarl Ulfric arrogant, because his rebellion is going to destroy all of Tamriel. How you ask ? Simple, Aldermi domion is the bosmer and high elves, both deadly, high elves especially. During the white-gold concord in which the worship of Talos was banned, the empire handed over half of Hammerfell to the elves. The redguards were NOT happy about that at all, they rebelled, left the empire and when the elves came marching in, the redguards slaughtered them, and sent them home with their tails between their legs. The empire now only has High rock of the bretons and orcs, but high rock is half the size of Skyrim, they have the war ravaged cyrodiil. And if they lose Skyrim to Jarl Ulfric, there Empire, the only force possible of building up against the elves, will be useless, the redgaurds and Nords did the bulk of the fighting in the empires wars. Black marsh invaded morrowind more or less, the argonians are running rampant through the dark elves lands, killing aimlessly. Elyswer, the kajihiit, are undecided. Basically its thisAldmeri Dominion:Summerset Isles/High elves = Distached from the rest of the continent, cutting off foot attacks, like the orcs, the empires remaining Infantry force.High elves= Deadly magic, of all kinds, Cunning, One step ahead, over confident.Valenwood= Large jungled province, south of cyrodiil, neighboor to the kahjiit, cyrodiil is an easy target for the wood elves, with many forests to bunker down in, and many animals to command.Wood Elves= Controls animals, can bend the woods to their will, amazing marksmen that can drop targets from terrifying distances.Empire:Imperials=Well rounded, not much magic, more trade and melee combat than anything.Cyrodiil= Totally War ravagedHigh Rock=Neighboors with hammerfell, which is independent now, meaning the empire lost alot of military prowess. Neighboors With Skyrim, also Cyrodiil, if they try to attack High rock, they must travel through one of the three warrior nations (Cyrodiil would be rebuilt by that time the aldmeri dominion strikes next). So naturally guarded.Orcs=Raw melee killing power, Some magic resistance (according to oblivion) but no connection to attack the summerset isles, unless cyrodiil can dispatch its naval force (which it's been know for) to transport them to the shores of the high elves, but its hard to say if they'd make it that far.Bretons=Conjurers & healers mainly, an amazing asset, nearly doubles what the military is worth, summoning creatures, two per mage, triples the numbers there (keep in mind high rock is a small province, and split between two races) and healing the wounded men-at-arms and Bowmen.Skyrim= If lost, the Empire is easy pickings for the elves. Full of powerful nords, but will be a crumbled Empire, no matter who wins due to Jarl Ulfrics Arrogant but honorable rebellionBlackmarsh/Morrowind= In control of the argonians, they would make incredible allies to ambush the summerset isles, swin through the ocean to the elves shores, enter sewers, open castle gates, don't forget the shadow sclaes... but they aren't answering to anyone.Elyswer= The Kahjiit, Neutral, druglords, but incredible tacticans, and suited to perfectly dispatch all of valenwood, read mixed unit tactics for a brief telling of why.No leader is truly better than one another, Tullius isn't as intelligent as one would think, nor Jarl Ulfric as corageous. The longer the Civil war rages, the stronger the Elves get, and the weaker the empire, and once the empire is gone, nothing will stop the elves."A teacher was having a problem with two of her students, they always bickered and fought with each other, after class one day she showed them a flat stone, she asked them each what colour it was. one said black, the other shouted; No! its WHITE! the teacher then flipped the rock, revealing that it was black on one side, and white upon the other." Never be quick to rule an opinion or option out, always look for the other side of the stone.

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Storm makes an excellent point.I'm mostly interested in how Bethesda is going to work the civil war quests into the lore. Since it's apparent that the Empire/Thalmor conflict is going to be center stage either in upcoming DLC or the next TES installment, who controls that region will probably end up having significant outcomes on the rest of the lore. Having multiple options with who you leave in control of Skyrim is going to be hard to explain; they're either going to have to go back and say, "Well, right after Skyrim (the game) ended xxx reclaimed power in Skyrim." in order to keep the story moving forward with a common background.I don't really see how they can't create a situation where at least half of the players come away feeling as if their struggles through the entire Civil War questline ended pointlessly in future DLC/games.

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Well, it could just end up like morrowind, where the argonians overan it. Just something totally unrelated perhaps ? Or maybe it will all result in the empire disolving, as well as the aldmeri dominion, more or less, that each province governs itself. If that were to happen though, i can see a another civil war in High rock, Bretons VS Orcs, that would be a terrible conflict, steel & strength against summoners & priests weilding flame and frost, the classic mage VS warrior debate. Whatever happens, i'm excited to see it, i'd place good money that the summerset isles, the ancient isles so shrouded in myth and historic mystery, will be the final province to be played, and that it will be horrificly superior to anything we could imagine, needless to say i don't expect to see the final game in 10 years, at the least.

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  • 4 weeks later...
  • 7 months later...

Ulfric was being used by the dominion to weaken the empire. He, believing he was fighting for the nords, was in reality fighting for the thalmor he hated so much. The Stormcloaks and the Empire should have formed an alliance to rise up against the Thalmor. In the end, the empire really had Skyrims best interest in mind. Tullius actually grew to love Skyrim.

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  • 6 months later...
  • 2 weeks later...

Ulfric is more fleshed out and passionate about his work.


Tullius is a quiet little prick who really doesn't give a rat's ass about what happens to Skyrim, just as long as his Empire's law is upholded, and Skyrim remains supportive of the Empire.


I've gone through both quest chains, and I believe Ulfric is a better leader. He is more in-tune with his fellows. Tullius on the other hand, isn't much cared for.


As far as military prowess goes...


Eh... both are even matched. After all, most of the Stormcloaks are ex-Legion soldiers. So it's basically Imperial Legion vs. Imperial Legion. Both of them have different mindsets and morals.

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  • 3 months later...

For those of you who are saying that Ulfric is the better leader I would have to say that I completely disagree.

Most of my characters have been in the legion but recently I tried playing as a Stormcloak and in the end when the war was over I didn't really feel good about the outcome. But forget that, I mean, just look at Ulfric's city, Windhelm. It is one of the worst cities in Skyrim. It has tons of rubble everywhere, most of the citizens are living in poverty, there's tons of murders the guards don't even care about, and overall it seems as though the people are suffering. Sure you could attribute that to the fact that all of the city's resources are diverted towards the war effort but still, Ulfric is living in that big ass gorgeous castle while his people starve and freeze. That really makes me think whether he is a good leader. Also, I didn't like how he acted after his final speech after the battle of solitude where he tells his soldiers that he will leave the other jarls to decide whether or not to name him king but then he turns to his right hand man (forgot the dude's name) and basically says that he already is high king so what he told his soldiers about letting the jarls decide is just bulls***. Furthermore, Ulfric is just a guy who doesn't realize all the political complexities with the thalmor and stuff so his judgement isn't really well backed when it comes to the future of skyrim. While Tullius is carrying out the orders of the emperor who is surely a better politician than Ulfric and knows better what is best for the citizens of the empire. And finally, I have to say that I really like Legate Rikke. And the fact that she is a Nord and still is fighting for the Empire really proves to me that the Empire is better for Skyrim. Hence In conclusion I would say that Ulfric is a better leader in battle (especially because of what he did in Markarth) but Tullius is a better politician who is not just thinking of himself.

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