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The Clan Chat System


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The Clan Chat System

This is just a quick guide on joining the Clan Chat and some of its features. If you need more information, just ask! You're probably wondering why I'm writing this guide - although it seems stupid, I've seen the question of how to join the Clan Chat be asked several times, so it's better to just link them to this thread instead of wasting time writing half of this out again.

To join, you will need to be invited by a staff member, this requires you to meet up with them in-game and they need to actually click on you. A message will appear in your chat box which you will just need to click on and a box will come up where you can click to join.

Posted Image

Above is an image of the Clan Chat interference. As you can see, to the bottom right, there are three buttons with coloured circles within.

Orange - This is the current Clan Chat you are in.

Green - This is the guest Clan Chat tab. Here you can join Clan Chats as a guest or check who is currently in that Clan Chat if you are in one.

Red - Here you can check out who is banned from the Clan Chat you are currently in. This has nothing to do with guest Clan Chat channels.

Now, onto the buttons to the left. From left to right.

  • [*]
The green/red buttons which has an arrow in it is for leaving and joining the Clan Chat temporarily. [*]Obviously the next button is for clan information, just click on it and the info is provided. [*]The next is the clan chat settings, which can only be altered by members with powers, such as admins. [*]Staff members can select the next button to invite players to join the Clan Chat by clicking on the button, and then the player. [*]Finally, you can leave the Clan Chat completely by clicking the next button, however, you need to be re-invited to rejoin.

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Does this topic (+this one: http://eldersouls.co...stem-explained/) still need to be pinned, even they don't reflect current information?

Can we... Edit/Update? Archive/Unpin the other?

This is just a Chat System Guide nothing more nothing less

I'll update it when I get the chance...that was made just to show the different ranks within the clan

Edited by Anarchy
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