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Thoughts, suggestions, etc.


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This clan have been around for years, and ever since we have always been looking at ways to improve the clan and keep people interested. Yes, I am requesting that all your serious suggestions are posted. All suggestions are welcome and will be seriously considered, as long as they are reasonable.So yeah, please post!

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My suggestion is to motivate people to be in the cc, even when they aren't actively playing. I've been hanging around in the cc more than actually playing RS, lately. I just don't have much time to play, because I got shit to do for school n stuff, but when I'm actively talking in the cc, I think I 'participate' in the clan as well, it's always better than doing nothing.Besides this not so helpful note, I got nothing, to be really honest.

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Well, I've got to say, I'm surprised the Clan Chat is still actually rather active enough. I know before it was like 20+ with everyone talking but with our current activity, you would expect worse.Maybe if we pull the CC activity way up again, we can get events up via the CC. Even if it isn't an official event on the forums, I think spontaneous events when people are in the CC are better.Any more suggestions? I was hoping for this topic to be a bit more active, lol.

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Run the clan from RuneScape and invite people who haven't even posted apps here. As activity grows people will hopefully naturally migrate to the forums. Maybe you could give people who post applications an automatic promo to corporal or something

I actually like this idea but we;d need to look at finalizing the CC ranks before we offer something like this, but nonetheless it's a good idea. I think we should trying just recruiting people in game around busy areas, like varrock, falador, lumbridge(dependant on level unless you want to pull everyone into a clan via joining the game xD) and GE.I also agree with the fact that people will most likely migrate to the forums if they feel more connected to the clan first rather than being forced to join a forum and then getting accepted. If you see from a new persons perspective Join a forum first then the clan they usually forget about the forum but if they join the clan first and then join the forum they'll have more reason to be active on the forum too because of their attachment to the clan.Also what Fergal said "random in CC events" would get people to drop what their doing and show up, we use to do that a lot before with Castle Wars and Roach Hunting back in the day...so why not give it a tryAlso since we're in the process of getting active again why not get the Council or someone to try planing a Recruiting Campaign?
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Run the clan from RuneScape and invite people who haven't even posted apps here. As activity grows people will hopefully naturally migrate to the forums. Maybe you could give people who post applications an automatic promo to corporal or something

Well, you can't say I haven't already told you about that idea before. ;)If we don't want noobs, our P2P members need to recruit for GE or outside GWD? F2P recruiting is just a fail.
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Well, you can't say I haven't already told you about that idea before. ;)If we don't want noobs, our P2P members need to recruit for GE or outside GWD? F2P recruiting is just a fail.

We would need a decent amount of people plus someone who can carry the vexillum and it also be nice if we could get clan cloaks..
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  • 2 weeks later...
Nothing's wrong with out cape design, I happen to like it. And yes, recruiting is our biggest issue now. They can't say no ones out there making events bcs there's atleast 1 person putting for the effort out there, it's just the fact that there's not many people attending. So, all we can do is step up our recruiting.
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The legit TRR colors are a dark green with a tan-ish/gold-ish (mostly tan imo) brown color.

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I was kind of a fan of the black/gray thing that we had a few weeks ago just to switch it up and bring on the new era of our corporate evilness. But I never log on, so whatevs.

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