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The Dragonhide Conundrum: Svaac's goals


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Hello TRR and welcome to my:GOALS TOPIC OF AWESOMENEZZ!!!!1!! Here I will pursue my goal of a skillcape for every color of Blessed D'hide (my favorite armour in the game). I've had this goal ever since the elite clues came out.I've already got cooking (for ancient) done, so there's no need to mention that here. As for the last five, I will list them in order of how close (5=farthest, 1=closest)

5. Crafting (Bandos)

The big sig:

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Mini progress:

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Green d'hide bodies should do it. I don't have too much of a plan beyond that.

4. Defence (Saradomin) The big sig:

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Mini progress:

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Standard slaying should get me there eventually. As a side goal, I want 85 slayer eventually. There's a lot of blue options that are close to Sara d'hide, but the closest is Agility, and I...HATE...AGILITY!!!!!!1! I suppose I could do fletch but I've got enough money-losing goals on here already. This is the only goal that is subject to change as fletch isn't that expensive and I could probably just make the money needed from the next two.

3. Attack (Zamorak)

The big sig:

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Mini progress:

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See defence. Same deal. Yes, I screwed up the colors. Don't ask why.

2. Farming (Guthix) The big sig:

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Mini progress:

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This one will look the best with the d'hide. Farming has always been a favorite skill of mine :P My runs are divided into three branches: house teleports+charter ships, fairy rings, and spirit trees. House teleports includes fally allotments, fally tree, catherby allotments, catherby fruit tree, brimhaven fruit tree, lumbridge tree, and ardounge allotments. Fairy rings includes calquat trees and morchella mushrooms. Spirit trees include gnome stronghold tree+fruit tree and tree gnome maze fruit tree. The above things are not in order, I'll do that some other time :)

And now, the moment you've all been waiting for:

1. Construction (Armadyl) The big sig:

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Mini progress:

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Yep, my second highest skill is construction. Thanks to bxp weekend planning, I managed to rocket through about fifteen construction levels before I quit in April 2011. I'll train by making oak doors. I have a bunch of teak planks but after some research I learned that it's far cheaper to use oak. Looks like my assumptions were wrong >.<

I've got some other little goals worth mentioning:

-85 slayer

-100 mil (fat chance, but it doesn't hurt to dream)

-Top equipment (bandos and whatnot)

-All chaotics (because dungeoneering is fun)

-70 agil (for the blue dragon shortcut)

That's pretty much everything. Wish me luck :D!

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Thanks huygens :). I'm starting to rethink crafting. I'm on a tight budget and my bxp time will be spend 2.7-2.0 on Cons then 2.0-whenever I run out of wergali unf pots and wimpy feathers.WC might be a better idea. I'd get a little cash from it and I'd be able to get more planks.

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