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Listen up peeps


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Lets gets some mass training going on, leveling up on all the levels we want. Focus slightly on combat. Get people the 99's. Let's get practicing on Clan Wars etc. Get more active, get more members. The more active we are the more people we get. Let's rival some of these up themselves clans. I for one am essentially coming out of 'retirement' let's do this properly and get ourselves some wins! Practice, practice, practice!Most importantly is to stick it to the big clans who are so up themselves that I cba to let this clan die. Fuck em all, beat em!Can someone move this to TRR discussion as well?

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Moved to TRR Discussion - but did you just post it in the wrong forum or actually couldn't post there? (Because that's a bit issue if the permissions are fucked up, lmao.)But anyway, I'm sick of just about keeping above "dead" activity, lets actually try this time. No moar "COME ON WE CAN DO IT, LETS GET BACK TO OUR OLD TRR WAYS. [/try]". :PBut yeah, I really want to get back into warring, once we're ready. I'll train when I can, Skyrim is slowly but surely boring me since I've finished all the quests (apart from small, non-main ones). :D

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I'll see what I can do "/ kind of maxed combat though, training up my tank range for wars though, so that people can borrow that account if they need to :Pin-game recruitings a bitch but I can always try :DNice attitude though Holly-kins ;) love it how we are on pet names already :o lmao

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It's cool people it's not just gonna start immediately but what we need to be doing is literally doing clan training. It's just boring talk in IRC and training so we find a decent place, decent world and we train our arse's off and then get better practice with warring etc. If we war more and get more wins other people with come. IRL right now for me I'm applied to Uni and I need something to take my mind off the waiting time so we can do this ya know? I'll be like the whip cracker because right now I'm finding the game boring and stuff, so let's stop me from going bye bye. Oh and my boyfriend decided to un-retire from his clan and it's like great so your now going to go to mandatory events and I'm stuck doing nothing the whole point was to you know spend time with each other and not have all these obligations so screw it, I'm gonna give us all the push that we need. Spesh as I said the thing about big clans, he's in one and every now and then I've heard him reference us as not a proper clan so let's be a proper clan and do stuff that we enjoy. None of that you have to meet these requirements to join crap but we may have to limit all the peeps we accept etc. Btw if you all don't do as I say, I'll kick all your arse's XD

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Lol, "not a proper clan". Try 1600+ members on the old site (RIP). I'd have to agree with him at this point though, you guys all need to step it up. Those of you that are active need to take things into your own hands. You will only get as much out of TRR as you put into it.Fantastic topic btw, Holly. +2'd. :P

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I'm up for this. I remember the (I think) glory days of TRR and it saddens me to see how few people there are in chat at any given moment. I remember when the channel was abuzz with activity 24-7, and no matter your problem you could always find someone to help. There was a new event almost every day.I want TRR to be like that again.

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