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Hey guys.

Gonna just copy+paste my RHQ profile LOL and then go from there.

Hi there. You probably came to this page by choice. Whether you're here to comment on something, check out my info, report me, or get to know me, I'll tell you one thing for sure.

I only do real.

I will NEVER lie to you, I'll NEVER tell your secrets, I will ALWAYS remain loyal to you if you are my friend. I am a real person and by that I mean that I will express my feelings freely, in a mature way and I will do my best not to let you down. Don't get your hopes high in me because I promise somewhere along the road I will disappoint you. But I also promise that I will do good things for you if you give me the chance. Just give me the chance to love you!

Another thing you should know is that I'm so extremely compassionate. I'm in love with people and despite my hard-ass attitude I sometimes show, I am a total softie and I can be a sweetheart, especially towards elderly and young kiddos. I am here to help you with whatever you need help with and to be your friend. You can count on me to help you get through things. Just give me a chance!

I'm a total sports lover and I play soccer at a semi-professional level. I'm in grade 8 piano and have been playing for 5 years. I'm versatile in the things I do and love sharing my talents. I'm a Christian and totally in love with Jesus, my Lord and Savior, but I won't preach that on you because God happen in His own time.

I look forward to meeting you guys and making some friends on these forums.

So yeah. I'm a pretty religious person but I won't preach it on you and I expect you to bash me for it, because I don't care. :P I love being sarcastic. Might join TRR in the future...gotta get to know you first.

Take care, LOOOOOOOL.


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Good introduction, it's good to see a new member posting on the forums! Feel free to PM me if you have any questions/suggestions. :)I played piano myself when I was younger, although I can't say I remember a thing from it, haha.

Yeah for sure, the forums are so sick. Really love them, and the features are sweet.Piano is a cool instrument but easy to forget.Cheers!
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jeeze could of atleast made a new intro just for us :) nah just joking ;) was a sweet intro :)Glad to hear you play football (soccer) you follow english football teams? and what position do you play? Im gona guess at a wing player?Hey Im Brad :D The Northern Brit of the clan so sorry if you struggle with my humour ;) need any help im right hereoh and get in the IRC :) its where the cool kids hang haha

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Nice to meet ya :)

Cheers, you too!

jeeze could of atleast made a new intro just for us :) nah just joking ;) was a sweet intro :)Glad to hear you play football (soccer) you follow english football teams? and what position do you play? Im gona guess at a wing player?Hey Im Brad :D The Northern Brit of the clan so sorry if you struggle with my humour ;) need any help im right hereoh and get in the IRC :) its where the cool kids hang haha

Love IRC, will pop in sometime today. Haha, I play either Left Wing or Striker. :D I love Barcelona!Love British humour so it's all good!

Welcome to the board! Very nice intro, even if it is taken straight from RuneHQ. Actually read it. :)Hope to see you join TRR, I'm sure you'll love the atmosphere around here. :)

Cheers! Look forward to being here.
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Nice! Finally an intro worth reading instead of hi im [name] and I hope you guys will like me :)Welcome to the clan :)!

Cheers, look forward to it!@ Mage, haha I know what you mean. I've been on webcam a whole bunch with people at RHQ and i was Vent Staff over there for awhile. I was also in The Titans and several other clans so I have a reputation as being a girl, which I can prove to you as I have to others, because I am a girl and it's easy to prove when it's the truth. :)Just get on tinychat with me or Vent sometime!See ya around. :)
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Cheers, look forward to it!@ Mage, haha I know what you mean. I've been on webcam a whole bunch with people at RHQ and i was Vent Staff over there for awhile. I was also in The Titans and several other clans so I have a reputation as being a girl, which I can prove to you as I have to others, because I am a girl and it's easy to prove when it's the truth. :)Just get on tinychat with me or Vent sometime!See ya around. :)

Pics or it didnt happen o.0 jk lol
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