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Dy3nasty road to riches by flipping


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Alright so from now till the new year I decided that I shall get all my money from merchanting so heres my super epic post that will be updated daily.

Day One

Starting Cash-1.6m

Item purchased-Lobsters

Price per item- 89 Gp

Quantity- 10,000

Total Price- 890,000GP

Selling Price-94 GP

Total Price- 940,000

Profit- 50k

Total Time- 2 Hours to buy and sell

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Day 1 Continued

Starting Cash-1.6m

Item purchased-Lobsters

Price per item- 88 Gp

Quantity- 19,000

Total Price- 1672,000GP

Selling Price-94 GP

Total Price- 1786000

Profit- 114K

Total Time- 2 Hours to buy and sell

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Starting Cash-1.6m

Item purchased-Steel Bars

Price per item- 1275 GP

Quantity- 1250

Total Price- 1,593,750

Selling Price-1285

Total Price- 1,606,250

Profit- only 12k D:

Total Time-Instantly

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I was expecting barrows armour to rise after bot nuke day, sadly, it didnt happen, the only set (apart from akrisae) higher than 5m is ahrims..Not worth the effort.

Yea but there is only one forsure maybe 2 barrows bots and their both paid so very few bots would use them which is why they didnt change at all really. Added day 2 atm
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