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Clan Chat vs Friends Chat


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Which do you guys prefer?

By Clan Chat, I mean the new CC system that was introduced not too long ago.

Clan Chat:

[*]High range of ranks.

[*]Ability to have a Citadel.

[*]Ability to have "Rated" wars.

[*]To invite members to a Clan Chat, a ranked member must click on that person by finding them on RS.

[*]Use of own Clan Vexilium and Clan Cloak which can be customized (color, images).

[*]If you leave the CC, you need to be re-invited.

Friends Chat:

[*]Ability to have regular clan wars.

[*]Perfect amount of ranks for our ranking system.

[*]Disadvantage of needing to log on to the FC Account to rank people.

[*]Ability to have the FC Name to something like "War Today" to alert people that are unaware of such events.

[*]If you leave FC, you are able to simply rejoin and still keep your rank.


I personally rather the Friends Chat, it's way more simpler - all the Clan Chat perks that aren't available in the Friends Chat aren't all that great.

Oh and, I bet there are more things both the FC and CC can do, just wrote them off the top of my head.

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Okay. Well now - don't you think it is a whole lot easier to take like a minute to switch accounts and add someone as a friend for the FC, or would you rather go and find that they are across the map from where you are and you need to walk all the ways over.For the Friends Chat, it's locked, we can't change ranks, so that's a problem. But what if it wasn't?

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1. You are able to leave a Clan Chat without having be re-invited.2. We already moved from the Friends Chat to the Clan Chat. Moving back won't be worth the trouble3. The Clan Chat gives us the cape and vexillium, which is just too legit to pass up4. I like to think one day we MAY give the Citadel a shot5. We can be Clan Chat based and still use the Friends Chat, but if we are Friends Chat based, we can't use the Clan Chat6. Having to find somebody on Rs and inviting them isn't a big enough hassle to constitute as a disadvantage7. Having us based in a Clan Chat allows us to use to be in whatever Friend Chat we want toSo yeah.

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1. Only temp, you can't join other CCs besides as Guest?

2. The topic was never intended to switch; just CC vs FC.

3. Mhm.

4. Citadels suck.

5. True.

6. It is a hassle. >.>

7. Having us based in a Friends Chat allows us to use to be in whatever Chat Chat we want to.

1. Not sure of the point you were trying to make with this argument to begin with. Why would we want to leave the Clan Chat anyway? If it's to leave the clan, the CC supplies us with a permanent leave option. If it's to leave cause you want silence and don't feel like turning all the chats off, the CC allows you to leave the channel, but not the clan. If it's to go visit another CC, you can join as a guest so you can talk with the other people.

2. You wouldn't ask which one we prefer, then go about listing pros and cons of each while heavily disputing one if you weren't considering a switch anyway.

3. I like your use of "Mhmm" here

4. Yeah, but I can dream. Oh boy, can I dream...

5. Indeed

6. Only if the other person is like "Meet me on Ice Plateau. I refuse to move from this spot!!" In which case, he's an infidel. Most recruits are in cities or major areas which isn't hard to get to. Only the lazy complain, and the lazies are also infidels.

7. True, but if we are in another Clan Chat, don't you think that would imply we are in that clan?

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1. Not sure of the point you were trying to make with this argument to begin with. Why would we want to leave the Clan Chat anyway? If it's to leave the clan, the CC supplies us with a permanent leave option. If it's to leave cause you want silence and don't feel like turning all the chats off, the CC allows you to leave the channel, but not the clan. If it's to go visit another CC, you can join as a guest so you can talk with the other people.2. You wouldn't ask which one we prefer, then go about listing pros and cons of each while heavily disputing one if you weren't considering a switch anyway.3. I like your use of "Mhmm" here4. Yeah, but I can dream. Oh boy, can I dream...5. Indeed6. Only if the other person is like "Meet me on Ice Plateau. I refuse to move from this spot!!" In which case, he's an infidel. Most recruits are in cities or major areas which isn't hard to get to. Only the lazy complain, and the lazies are also infidels.7. True, but if we are in another Clan Chat, don't you think that would imply we are in that clan?

1. Yeah, I know, you're right there. But still. xD2. Was bored. ;)3. Mhm of course.4. Pfft.5. INDEED.6. I'm lazy.7. Yeah. But Blue_speed does it. You're argument is invalid! >:)Anyway, the only reason I made the thread was to boost Forum activity, which has been lacking - I don't care if we switch or not. Lol. And yes, switching again is a hassle.
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That's what I mean, it becomes an issue passing the deets around, if you get some bk that rages he can the entire fc up. Seen it happen "/Why is it locked anyway?

I'll answer your question because it seems blex and ferg are too busy debating. The FC account is locked because all high-ranking people knew the password and would change over to it if the title of the FC needed to be changed or someone wanted to loot share.Which brings up another point, if we want to loot share in FC, the person has to be on Therebelz friends list(which all new members are not) or we have to change to one of our FCs and then we can no longer talk with the rest of the clan.
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The FC account is locked because all high-ranking people knew the password and would change over to it if the title of the FC needed to be changed or someone wanted to loot share.

So how do we unlock it?

Which brings up another point, if we want to loot share in FC, the person has to be on Therebelz friends list(which all new members are not) or we have to change to one of our FCs and then we can no longer talk with the rest of the clan.

Good point actually. But if it were a case of needing to go to another FC for an event, that wouldn't be that much of a problem anyway; considering events don't last all day and all night.
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So how do we unlock it?Good point actually. But if it were a case of needing to go to another FC for an event, that wouldn't be that much of a problem anyway; considering events don't last all day and all night.

I think it's already been tried and we probably need to make a new one. Otherwise, the person who made the account needs to go to account management and try and recover it.
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Why not have both? I mean we could have a CC just for the sake of clan highscores on rs and vexilum etc., and primarily use the friends chat for chatting, warring, ranking etc.

What is the point of being two chats? We only really need to use the Clan Chat, and that gives us a friend chat to be in when we want to do events and lootshare or just talk to somebody else.You are not a genius, my good sir.
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