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account was hacked


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my account was hacked 2 days ago the ip address was definetly not mine or from my area password changed if anything was said in cc can you please let me know as this wasnt me that logged ini left myself in agil brimhaven but was moved to lumby they must have tried to get in my bank luckily i had a pass for it and they must have gave up

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i left myself in agil brimhaven but was moved to lumby they must have tried to get in my bank luckily i had a pass for it and they must have gave up

The hacker was probably training in wildy agility course for you.Well nothing was taken so good job. For extra security, I always have my password and pin number the exact same. I mean, no hacker would ever guess that. Also, to make my pin easier to remember, I pick four numbers that are in a sequence, starting with three. Full proof.
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The hacker was probably training in wildy agility course for you.Well nothing was taken so good job. For extra security, I always have my password and pin number the exact same. I mean, no hacker would ever guess that. Also, to make my pin easier to remember, I pick four numbers that are in a sequence, starting with three. Full proof.

I kinda had my pin in my password when I got hacked last january, didnt quite work ^^, so now I have a different code in my pass than in my pin
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The hacker was probably training in wildy agility course for you.Well nothing was taken so good job. For extra security, I always have my password and pin number the exact same. I mean, no hacker would ever guess that. Also, to make my pin easier to remember, I pick four numbers that are in a sequence, starting with three. Full proof.

Hmm, that should work well!*Looks around*Anyone wanna help me transfer some items? (a)
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Well good job Destiny :)For me, I think I'll be safe! Facebook is how I login to play Runescape on this account!And they don't know my password which is mediumish so I think they may have trouble getting in...If they do get in.. thanks for the tip, I'll put my stuff in the bank before logging off and my bank pin is good!

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