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Hello everyone!

You might've read my application topic but since a lot of people do not I'll just repeat stuff I said there and add some more irrelevant stuff about myself. (That's what these kinds of topics are for aren't they?)

I am Judobreaker. Former Administrator of Legacy of Legends, a clan which was recently closed down.

Some of you older TRR members may know me because I also happen to be a former Council member of TRR itself, which was before LoL was founded.

Who is Judobreaker (the Runescape character):

My account is roughly 8 years old.

I've had a few longer breaks (just like most other long-term players) but besides that I've played most of these years.

I'm not one to play many hours a week though as I have a rather busy schedule so my levels aren't the best.

My account currently has a combat level of 126 and a total level of 1973.

I am a complete quest addict (I usually do every new quest within a few days and I do not use guides) so naturally I am the owner of the Quest Cape.

I do not own any 99 capes at all so far (I'm not one to grind levels) although I'm sloooowly getting closer to maxing my combat levels.

My second addiction is Slayer. If there are no quests to be done I'm usually out slaying some monster.

My Slayer level is 90 at the moment.

Who is Judobreaker (in Real Lifeâ„¢):

My real name is Reinier van Antwerpen (don't try to pronounce it if you do not speak Dutch or German because you'll probably do it wrong).

Just like Huygens I am from Holland.

No, I have never smoked marihuana.

I am 23 years old and employed as a precision mechanics engineer at a hospital specialized in treating cancer patients.

Basically what I do is design, create and/or repair the tools and machines the doctors use to treat the patients.

Besides my job I am really into singing.

I currently sing in 2 gospel/soul choirs which perform throughout the whole country and have singing lessons every other week.

Other hobbies are photography (favorite being macro photography) and photoshop.

I used to design a lot of websites too but lately I haven't been doing that a lot.

I'm very capable with the programming language php, I'm also pretty handy with (X)HTML and MySOL, and I have some experience with JavaScript.

My coolest website job is a temporary administration system I built for our national air travelling company (KLM).

I think that's probably the most notable things I have to tell about myself...

Oh right, if you'd like to look at my photography you can check out my blog at RvAntwerpen.com.

I hope to see you all in game sometime. ^^

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