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Status Replies posted by Huygens

  1. Found out I got hacked in my time of absence, probably won't return to Runescape. Was planing to do so next week when school ends... :(

    1. Huygens


      Thanks bro, although I can't see why a new combat system could possibly aid in making money ;) I don't think Jagex will speed up the time for killing monsters or else the economy would crash :(

    2. (See 15 other replies to this status update)

  2. GSUS the Netherlands suck at Euro 2012.... Well, I guess it will be either Germany or Spain, then.... :(

  3. GSUS the Netherlands suck at Euro 2012.... Well, I guess it will be either Germany or Spain, then.... :(

    1. Huygens


      Hm, not sure if Spain is in the best shape ever, to be honest.

    2. (See 4 other replies to this status update)

  4. OMFG! I can't get on to RuneScape!

  5. OMFG! I can't get on to RuneScape!

  6. Bitch please, internship end next week Friday (20th) aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah yeaaaaaahhh!!! I'd be so glad when the shit is over (for this college year)

    1. Huygens



      well yeah internships are awesome, its just that ive got to make a portfolio, which is a HUGE document that has to prove my abilities, so the ending of my interns suck :P

    2. (See 5 other replies to this status update)

  7. Bitch please, internship end next week Friday (20th) aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah yeaaaaaahhh!!! I'd be so glad when the shit is over (for this college year)

    1. Huygens


      LOL, my interns end next week ;) College ends in July ;)

    2. (See 5 other replies to this status update)

  8. JUST MY FUCKING LUCK, got dc'ed when I was doing troll invasion, only got to like wave 13

  9. AAAAAAAAAAAAH im a little bit frustrated coz I just did some dungeoneering and died 3 times at an easy boss :)

  10. Meh forums were offline yesterday =/

  11. I always wanted to play Skyrim, but then i took an arrow to the knee.

  12. Sorry for being inactive last week, got so much stuff to do IRL every day, I know I've been on the forums,havent been ingame much..Will get better next monday when school starts again ;)!

  13. Sitting here wide awake.. Girlfriends mom had a stroke agian... and she sent a text to my gf saying she don't think she will make it this time :/ :/

  14. W00t! I passed my driving exams! :D:D

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