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Everything posted by Swagniff

  1. Tanzania is one of the poorest countries in the world. There are people who desperately need money out there, so if they can get money out of stealing a wire they can eat for a few days. A lot of crime happens here.
  2. Hahaha This made my day. But as a clarification its not the wire at our house that was stolen but the telephone wire out on the streets. We have a wal around our house.I now have to use one of those usb-connector things. It doesnt work well with RS though.
  3. Before summer I posted a topic called "Summer for Swag" that said that I would be off RS for most of the summer. I don't know if anyone saw that because there were no replies...After arriving back home last month our internet didn't work properly. Someone had stolen our telephone wire. That is why I have been gone and inactive for the last few months. I hope to be able to have proper internet soon but as this is Tanzania I don't know how long it will take. Sorry for being gone without warning. Ill be back as soon as possible.David, or as you guys know me - Swagniff
  4. This is how it works... One off payment and then we can the orts throughout rs
  5. I finished the metal bars today so we don't need any more of those...
  6. I know but I'm just clarifying why we have a ton of stone compared to most other resources.Hey we could now think of starting an upgrade or decoration...
  7. Look at all the stone I provided... I would have done bars but they were locked so I couldn't work on that...
  8. Its summer and I'm in the Netherlands with my fam. I will still log in often and continue to cap but I will be significantly less on RS and on the forums. Even its not really a absence I think I might as well announce my decrease in activeness for the coming weeks.
  9. Capped Yesterday with 450 ore, charcoal, bars and 50 stone
  10. Due to upgraded plots 165 metal bars is no longer enough for upkeep... Maybe that should be changed...
  11. And a few more quests:Mountain DaughterGlorious MemoriesMaking HistoryMeeting HistoryLunar Diplomacy
  12. and PBJ Polar Bears ;-)What I like a lot too are the jokes and references in the chats but I dont like the long boring tasks that a quests will make you do.
  13. I"ve done those a while ago and its now my main source of money. The listed quests are only the recent ones.
  14. It depend on the quest realy...Overly long quests like the Underground pass and One Small Favour are horrible but I enjoy series of quests. Like the Slug series and the penguins...
  15. I have now started questing.All quests completed after my 80's in Combat:Tale of 2 CatsElder KilnHaunted MineTroll RomanceEnahkras LamentGhosts Ahoy
  16. There is this thing you can do called making robust glass flasks, they are worth 5k a piece and you can make like 50 daily. Not sure about the details I cant do it yet. You need high mining and crafting for it.
  17. Thanks Guys but now I need some new goals...Im doing Quests at the moment...
  18. Runescape name: Swagniff Real life name: David Smits Facebookpage: Are TRR members allowed to add you?: No sorry I only add people I know in person Age: 17 Country+timezone: Tanzania GMT+2 (I am from the Netherlands though) School/University/Work: HOPAC (International school in Dar es Salaam) Hobbies: Well Runescape of course Sports: Football AKA "Soccer" Favorite athletes: - Favorite sports club: Manchester United # Years you have been playing RS: 6 Time you've been in TRR: about two weeks What you usually do when playing RS: Slayer or Questing Why the Name Swagniff: It's a nickname that was given to me by a friend... (It's short for Swagnifficent)
  19. The entrance fee is too high for people like me, maybe when I'm rich...
  20. Clan Fealty at 3Edit:How do you share photos in posts? Because this isn't how you guys do it...
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