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Everything posted by Crazycow73

  1. "Delightfully delectable!""Porn-tastic!""Testacular!"
  2. He's too busy being hip and playing games like virtual Uno. CoD all the way in my opinion.
  3. Therefore is must be a Madagascar server so we both equally lag.
  4. Congratulations Brad! You deserve it for being so great!
  5. Welcome back! Nice to meet another returning member. I myself am one as well.
  6. My name is Crazycow and I have an addiction......... TO
  7. It is called the bump button. Use that instead of making "bump" posts. Kthanx.
  8. Congratulations to all those who achieved their new ranks! You earned it!
  9. Just wait your time and we will get back to you according to how we feel about your application. Give it a few more days.
  10. Why do you guys -rep. I should have never celebrated with you guys.
  11. Thanks. Why did you guys -rep me? I am showing my forum activity by discussing with all of you how much I feel about you guys! The first part is still true.
  12. Ohmaigawd you are everything I ever wanted in a News Bot!

  13. I really glad to see a lot of you getting along well to one another. Being somewhat of a leader in this clan really allows me to step back and see a lot of you guys working together and getting along. It really makes me feel like I accomplished something when I see you guys making events, inviting new people to join the clan, or just making a new topic and discussing something with your friends. I really think this clan brings out the good side in a lot of you. By the way, this post was entirely made for Matt Damon AND BECAUSE IT IS MY 400TH. LURED ALL OF YOU FOOLS.
  14. I like what I read. I am glad to see Jagex still cares about us.
  15. It is sad to see such an active, cheerful member be forced to quit due to real life interference but is entirely understandable. I myself made a decision a few years back to quit the clan and move on with my life. I completely accept you as a TRR member and you will always be welcome back here, no matter how long you decide to stay away. Remember, we are always here for you and I hope you enjoy the rest of your life and maybe someday our paths will cross again. May your future be bright and full of wonders and may you keep safe with your decisions and always keep TRR in your heart. Keep it real and make it fun.
  16. Start a baby making factory. I hear, after you make a bunch, they will bring you treasures.
  17. I plan on going to college at PSU, studying Computer Science and becoming a Software Engineer!
  18. Aww Blexun, I am glad I made a friend in you.
  19. I feel it is just one of those loopholes that the bots got their foot into. I really want Jagex to win because I really dislike the botting community for various reasons that I don't need to get into in this thread. But honestly, this argument could go either way. As long as they pay, why should Jagex care?
  20. I counted over ten thousand Ankous slain. Chalk one genocide up.
  21. Crazycow73


    tl;drSeriously though, sounds like a good story so far and I hope you keep it up!
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