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Posts posted by CarnivalofSoulz

  1. Sorry but neither do those 3? High jump is 5 steps and a jump big whoop, shotput a spin and a throw, javelin a short sprint and a throw. How can you say they have enough exercise involved?

    your gonna say that a high jump doesnt have enough physical exertion to be a sport? im pretty sure that doin a high jump isnt that simple dude... my guess that it would take alot of energy to do that because you wrk almost all your muscels to do so
  2. Gaming is not a sport, and gamers are not athletes. This is literally the first I've ever even heard this come up. Sweating/heart rates are not a measure of physical assertion. Is taking a calculus test a sport? Does seeing someone you have a crush on make you an athlete?Physical activity can be measured with calories burned / time frame.

    oh here we go again. let the fight begin lmao
  3. i think its a sport.. i ride horses.. i trail ride and i show jump some and i also ride broncos, and if you think it isnt physically demanding i would ask you how many times you have riden? because i can tell you this much, u gotta move with the motions of the horse and when you ride for a feew hours and you get off that horse youre gonna be sore as fuck... it takes all your muscles to stay on let alone to keep up with moving.. yea.. even upper body muscles.. yea the horses do more work... but if you think its so easy, jump on a horse and we shall see :) well theres my opinion

  4. I knew this was fake. Skyrim's story is okay, but it isn't movie quality. Plus, the real meat of the story is in the side quests.By the way, have you guys heard they're making a Shadow of the Colossus movie? Don't know how they're gonna pull that off, but I'm looking forward to it.

    ill have to agree with squishy i dont see how this would even be possible
  5. I bought this game a couple days ago on eBay, and I can honestly say that I will need a psychologist before this is finished. I have the PLATINUM TROPHY in Demon's Souls, so you would assume that I could make a smooth transition to Dark Souls, right? WRONG. This game grabbed me by the shoulders, knocked me to the ground, and began banging my head against the floor. I bought another game that same day, Borderlands, so I have been playing that until I'm ready to try again.

    i understand your pain.... i put it in and began playing and i was like WHAT THE FUCK... so confused.. so frustrated.... trying really hard not to give up on it
  6. I heard COD1 and COD2 were good also, so I'm not pissed..

    yea they were awesome... it was before all the online rubish were everyone eventually stopped playing for fun and just got on and screamed at each other... i dont even rly play on live anymore... especially on black ops... lol.... but hey black ops 2 is comin out... anyone excited?
  7. guys im gonna go ahead and piss you all off then... i actuallly like the original cods better thaqn the new ones... yea the ones for ps2... the big red one is a pretty good one and i like the very first one as well... but if i had to pick out of the new ones it would either be black ops because of zombies and the online and mw3
  8. OMFG ...... a glitch to the knee... thats great.. and as for that.. no clue what to tell you there.... ive saved during glitches and yea it never really worked. from now on make multiple saves (i have like 5) that away if i screw up a quest or the game glitches i dont have to start all the way over and im not too far from where i was at.

  9. I don't know, I'm just remembering GameCube where I would access the memory card, find the game and delete just it when I wanted to restart

    ps2 was kinda like that but it was differnet because it had a memory card. like i said my ps3 got the yellow light of death and i never knew much about all the harddrive stuff and all.... so i suppose it would be worth a shot but hopefully he doesnt delete all his stuff.. id laugh... cry and feel horrible and then feel upmost sincere pity because that would suck...balls...
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