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Status Updates posted by CarnivalofSoulz

  1. wishin like hell i could just fade away

  2. didnt get back together with my fiance but he said we could be freinds.. when i asked for a second chance he said "not right now" and also something about how he needed to be alone for awhile so i told him i would be waiting no matter how long it took.. he said we would hang out until then.. just hope he doesnt move on to someone else..

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Tcee


      Soo sorry to hear hun :c *hugs* Take time to heal and try to stay positive! <3

    3. Jake


      This clan feels like a family. I'm so glad we can share our personal lives with each other.

    4. CarnivalofSoulz


      thank you for being there for me guys... it really means alot...

  3. sittin in my auto class as usual.. gonna meet up with joe today at 4...... hopefully have a long hike and talk in the woods and work this out.. but i dont think hes gonna take me back. but i give him anough credit that he agreed to talk to me at least.

    1. Jake


      I'm sorry to hear you probably won't be getting back together. Would you mind if I asked what caused you to break up?

    2. CarnivalofSoulz


      it was a long story.. and i admit that it was 98 percent my fault.... i kept him away from his freinds and bugged the shit out of him.. told him coulndt do things he wanted and was a immature lil bitch... so yea.. we didnt get back together but... he said we could still b freinds.. when i asked him if i could have a second chance he said "not right now" so i told him i would be waiting for him no matter how long it takes.... for now we are just gonna hang out as freinds every once in...

  4. sittin in my automotive class listening to lamb of god. gonna meet up with the fiance tomorrow hopefully.. have a long talk

    1. Jake


      Good luck with that; I hope it works out.

    2. CarnivalofSoulz


      thanks squishy i appreciate it

  5. still losing my mind... man this sucks... gonna try to change his mind.. had alot of time to think about things

  6. well my boyfreind... wait wait... fiancee... broke up with me last night... i have no idea wtf ima do... besides lose my fucking mind

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. CarnivalofSoulz


      and yea.. Traaginen im hopin he'lll find he made a bad decision and come back.. but at the same time i know that probably wont happen

    3. Blake


      Obviously the beer was someone better :P

    4. CarnivalofSoulz


      lol for now... until i can get him to come around

  7. went to the rescue squad yesterday. had my first call. didnt kill anyone.. so thats good lol. also first day back at school, as you can see im learning lots.. skippin class in the library

    1. Jake


      I may sound a bit naive here, but what's the rescue squad?

    2. CarnivalofSoulz


      uhhh.. ems... the people that ride around in the ambulances and pick up the sick people.. dunno how to really explain it better

    3. Jake


      Oh, really? That's pretty cool.

  8. findin out my brothers an asshole and told everyone he knows that im a dumbass and wrecked my car... if u wana hear the long story comment as such. lol

    1. Tynisa


      Sounds like a badass story to me kind sir.

  9. findin out my brothers an asshole and told everyone he knows that im a dumbass and wrecked my car... if u wana hear the long story comment as such. lol

  10. sittin at the fiances house playin dead island. but in other news i am now volunteering at my rescue squad. tomorrows the first day wish me luck

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Tynisa


      Im sure you can figure out the difference between "How to kill" And "How to save".

      If you cannot, i advise you quit immediately!


    3. CarnivalofSoulz


      lol yea... i did a good job though apprently... had one call that was a herat attack patient. didnt kill him so thats good lol

    4. Tynisa


      Herat attacks are THE WORST type of pain ever. Hate it when my Herat is playing up bro, good job!

  11. well. sittin at the library gettin pissed off at my facebook lol

  12. im back... for a few mintues anyway...

    1. Blake


      We shall savor this moment.

    2. Jake


      If you are still here, we shall bring out a stew made of Blexun's left kidney and my appendix.

  13. last day on edler souls for awhile guys... but i shall return when i can.. alas i say.. farewell... for now

    1. Jake


      Oh, no! I'll miss you. By the way, do you have a PSN? Maybe we could play together.

  14. sittin here, bored at school... tomorrows the last day, no internet at y house so might not be on here for a long time :( i shall say my short term goodbyes now... but i shall be back soon

    1. Tcee


      We look forward to your return! But horray, no more school! :]

    2. Jake


      My school year ended a week ago. I bought three games the day before the last, and I wasn't even finished with the ones I owned. This is going to be one heck of a summer.

  15. showin my brother how to use this site lolz

    1. cheekychips


      Potential new member?

    2. CarnivalofSoulz


      potential new member indeed. that is if he can verify his email when he gets home, school has yahoo blocked... talk about gay

  16. well i now have orientation for my job. ugggggh this is gonna take all day.... but i get paid for it so its w.e

  17. alright interveiw went well they are bringin me back to the next part and are seriously considering hirin me. woot

  18. well todays my interview... tired back hurts, but the good news is i get my car back today,.... yeah the door fell off... yea...

    1. Jamie


      Good luck with the interview!

    2. Tcee


      Good luck! Let us know how it went :]

  19. got a job interveiw at walmart tomorrow.... finally!!!! wish me luck i need this job

    1. Jake


      Good luck.

    2. Blake


      I'm pretty sure you just have to show up and pass a drug test

    3. Blake


      I'm pretty sure you just have to show up and pass a drug test

  20. sittin here with my guitar lookin at it tryin to decide wether to play it or not

    1. Tcee


      Electric or acoustic?:] Definitely play!

    2. Jake


      The time you wasted posting this could have been spent playing :P

    3. CarnivalofSoulz


      i play both :P but i was talkin about my bc rich warlock :) and indeed squishyman this is a good point haha.

  21. missin my family in new york like crazy.. they a 10 hour drive from me... wont see um again till next yr... :(

  22. once again im sittin at school bored... anyone wanna chat?

  23. sittin here listening to Lamb of God and tryin to find someone to talk to me

    1. Tcee


      I'm super late, but hello!

    2. CarnivalofSoulz


      hello to you too haha

  24. sittin her applying for jobs online.. wooo fun stuff

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